Enron Mail

Subject:Netflix Gift Certificates Make Great Gifts for Dads and Grads!
Date:Thu, 31 May 2001 20:45:06 -0700 (PDT)

Gift Certificates Make Great Gifts!
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] It's the perfect gift for Dads and Grads

Celebrate with the Gift of Entertainment! Netflix: How it works! [IMAGE] Watch as many movies as you want. [IMAGE] Pay only one flat monthly fee. [IMAGE] No due dates or late fees. [IMAGE] Choose from more than 10,000 different DVD titles. [IMAGE] Receive and return your DVDs without leaving home -- all postage is paid! Dear Scott, With Father's Day and graduation upon us, what better way to congratulate dads and grads than with a Netflix Gift Certificate ? A Netflix Gift Certificate is the perfect way to give a lucky dad or grad access to a huge selection of DVDs, with no due dates or late fees -- ever. From a month of Netflix rentals up to a whole year, you can give the gift certificate of your choice. So go ahead and surprise your dad or grad with the perfect gift today! Sincerely yours, The Netflix Team

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