Enron Mail

Subject:Power Online Newsletter
Date:Mon, 4 Jun 2001 21:03:05 -0700 (PDT)

Power Online Newsletter -- http://www.poweronline.com
Volume 4 Issue 59
Monday, June 04, 2001
Welcome to the Power Online
(http://www.poweronline.com) newsletter!

It's reading time folks! Tim Sharp evaluates another book this month, "Rethinking Energy Security in East Asia." Check out what he has to say about it here:

And if you're a book lover like me, be sure to visit the Power Online bookstore
(http://www.poweronline.com/store/dir.asp). We have a large selection of books to choose from, many at a discounted rate.

Until next time, take care!


Electrical Transformers and Power Equipment
Author: Pansini, Anthony J.
Events in the electric utility industry in the last few decades have made knowledge of transformers and power equipment assume an even greater importance. The trend has been toward squeezing out every ounce of capacity to achieve greater efficiency...
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1) Fluent, Concepts NREC announce strategic partnership
2) GE awarded contractual services agreement by Elyo of $65+ million
3) Is your EPC ready for the new business model (Part II)?


1) Fluent, Concepts NREC announce strategic partnership
Fluent Inc. and Concepts NREC announced the formation of a strategic partnership to provide comprehensive design and analysis software tools for turbomachinery applications.

2) GE awarded contractual services agreement by Elyo of $65+ million
GE has signed a contractual services agreement (CSA) with Elyo, France, to cover scheduled and unscheduled contractual service maintenance on GE LM6000 gas turbine-generator sets. The agreement is valued in excess of $65 million US and brings GE Power Systems total commitments for CSAs to over $19 billion US, GE reported at the 2001 Power-Gen Europe conference.

3) Is your EPC ready for the new business model (Part II)?
In the first part of this two-part article, consultant Jim Sohaney looked at how the integration of integrated IT into core and supporting workflow processes has begun to change chemical, power, pharmaceutical, and process owner-operators and manufacturers. Part II explains how the IT revolution will affect engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) firms -- and how they can adapt to those changes.

Visit the Power Online News and Analysis page for the latest industry headlines and feature articles. http://www.poweronline.com/content/hubs/dir.asp?hub=news
******** FEATURED PRODUCTS ********

1) IND-F Fiberglass Single and Extension Ladders
2) Alkalinity (hydrate)


1) IND-F Fiberglass Single and Extension Ladders
Certified and tested to 500 lb. load capacity, constructed of non-conductive fiberglass side rails for protection from electrical circuits and more. -- Carbis, Inc., Florence, SC

2) Alkalinity (hydrate)
Hydrate alkalinity or causticity is a component of total alkalinity. Boiler operators must maintain relatively high hydrate alkalinity levels when phosphate cycle treatments are used to ensure the formation of softer, more easily removable deposits. This specific test for hydrate alkalinity provides a more accurate value than the calculation method used by most operators. -- CHEMetrics, Inc., Calverton, VA

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