Enron Mail

Subject:Rolling blackouts, silver linings
Date:Thu, 7 Jun 2001 15:41:20 -0700 (PDT)

=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09=09
[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] In the News June 7, 2001 [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE]Rolling blackouts, silver linings [IMAGE]3Com warns; discontinue=
s cable, DSL [IMAGE]Intel stands by its original target [IMAGE]Microsoft,=
Red Hat set open-source debate [IMAGE]Optics gear on parade at SuperComm =
[IMAGE]HP storage goals switch channels [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] Special reports [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Instant replay Microsoft's instant=
messaging tactics are reminiscent of those the company employed in the bro=
wser wars. Read Full Story [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Rolling blackouts, silver =
linings Although California's energy crisis panics most technology compani=
es in Silicon Valley, some start-ups aren't afraid of the dark. Executives =
in the energy niche say the Golden State's rolling blackouts have made vent=
ure capitalists take notice of their projects and prospects. Once considere=
d a relatively dull subset of the broader technology sector filled with Old=
Economy utility behemoths, the energy industry has expanded to include sta=
rt-ups such as business-to-business e-commerce ventures that build online e=
xchanges for energy providers. June 7, 2001, 12:40 p.m. PT | Read Full S=
tory [IMAGE] 3Com warns; discontinues cable, DSL The network equipment m=
aker, which has now announced an earnings warning for three straight quarte=
rs, said it now expects to earn $450 million to $475 million for the fourth=
quarter ended June 1. Company executives previously expected earnings of $=
550 to $600 million, a 3Com representative said. June 7, 2001, 1:35 p.m. P=
T | Read Full Story [IMAGE] Intel stands by its original target Intel =
stuck to its original sales range for the second quarter. After market clos=
e Thursday and before its midquarter earnings report, the maker of PC proce=
ssors, chipsets and communications chips said revenue, gross margin and exp=
enses for the second quarter would be slightly below the midpoint of the ra=
nge predicted by the company in April. June 7, 2001, 1:35 p.m. PT | Read =
Full Story [IMAGE] Microsoft, Red Hat set open-source debate After claim=
ing last month that the open-source model is flawed and "responsible for re=
leasing unhealthy code," Microsoft Senior Vice President Craig Mundie is se=
t to debate the issue at an open-source conference in July. Mundie is expec=
ted to explain why Microsoft's vision of "shared source" software, where th=
e software giant makes the source code of some of its products available to=
customers and partners while still maintaining the intellectual property r=
ights, is better than open source. June 7, 2001, 1:25 p.m. PT | Read Ful=
l Story [IMAGE] Optics gear on parade at SuperComm Fiber-optic hardware =
makers strutted their stuff at SuperComm 2001, as the communications indust=
ry gathered in Atlanta to view the latest offerings from the equipment sect=
or. Companies such as Nortel Networks, Lucent Technologies, Corning and sma=
ller manufacturers introduced a variety of new optical gear at the annual c=
ommunications industry conference, despite sluggish sales in the past year.=
Equipment for metropolitan networks and systems capable of 40 gigabit-per-=
second speeds were particularly prominent. June 7, 2001, 11:55 a.m. PT | =
Read Full Story [IMAGE] HP storage goals switch channels Hewlett-Packar=
d will expand its storage products in a new direction in coming months, a m=
ove that will mean new competition against a host of networking competitors=
. HP currently sells storage systems, the devices that actually hold inform=
ation. But by the end of this year or early next year, HP will introduce a =
high-end network switch for shuttling data between storage devices, Nora De=
nzel, vice president of HP's Network Storage Solutions Organization, said i=
n an interview at HP's semiannual analyst day Wednesday. June 7, 2001, 12:=
45 p.m. PT | Read Full Story [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] Visit the CNET Researc=
h Library, powered by Bitpipe Also from CNET IT Manager Community from=
Tech Republic Featured Comparison: 50 Most Popular Handhelds Test Your=
Internet Connection Laid off? Apply for a new tech job Build an Online=
Photo Album =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09

GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ellison: J2EE is high-octane Java In his JavaOne ke=
ynote address, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison says J2EE is the fastest high-perfo=
rmance Java available. [IMAGE] Watch Video =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09

AGE] Enterprise Security hole found in Exchange 2000 EU proposes plan=
to secure Internet JavaOne: Ellison and Coleman gab and jab E-Busi=
ness Orbitz has turbulent takeoff Outlook good for India's tech workers =
Glut of goods lowers some eBay prices Communications ThunderHawk mic=
robrowser takes flight Corning shelves expansion plans Net phone compan=
ies in Darwinian struggle Media Napster to add fingerprinting to filt=
ers Washington court: Don't spam our residents Wireless not an overseas=
priority for AOL Personal Technology Handspring offers rebate on new=
est device Intel spurns Via, Nvidia chipsets Next-generation displays t=
o start small =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09


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