Enron Mail

Subject:Maritimes & Northeast Map
Date:Fri, 30 Mar 2001 03:14:00 -0800 (PST)

I called MNE and asked them to send me a power point map of their system.
This is what they sent.. It's a bit of a stick map, but it does what I need.

Julie :-)

---------------------- Forwarded by Julie A Gomez/HOU/ECT on 03/30/2001 11:06
AM ---------------------------

"Rachael A. Nigro" <RANigro@Duke-Energy.com< on 03/30/2001 08:33:10 AM
To: Jgomez@enron.com
cc: "Michael J. Dirrane" <mjdirrane@Duke-Energy.com<
Subject: Maritimes & Northeast Map

(See attached file: Maritimes Slide.ppt)

I am forwarding the attached per the request of Mike Dirrane.

Rachael A. Nigro
Duke Energy
1284 Soldiers Field Road
Boston, MA 02135
Fax: 617-560-1592
Email: RANigro@Duke-Energy.com
- Maritimes Slide.ppt