Enron Mail

Subject:Re: CES
Cc:mary.gosnell@enron.com, jeffrey.hodge@enron.com, linda.bryan@enron.com
Bcc:mary.gosnell@enron.com, jeffrey.hodge@enron.com, linda.bryan@enron.com
Date:Wed, 13 Dec 2000 05:42:00 -0800 (PST)

Currently we still have 289 active (meaning not terminated) unassigned CES
contracts. As far as those with transactions, only 74 of the 289 have
'active' deals. Currently, or as I understand the situation, Porter & Hedges
(CES's legal counsel for CES Wholesale) is still driving the consent process
for CES, we are not in the driver's seat.
An additional note; many of the outstanding consents are with Appalachian
producers who may never actually execute a consent based on the
characteristics of the 'customer'.
As far as any future steps that Enron may chose to execute; I am prepared to
help in anyway I can.


To: Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary G Gosnell/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Jeffrey T Hodge/HOU/ECT@ECT

Subject: Re: CES

The list below that Cyndie prepared contains approximately 300 contracts that
have not been assigned. Can we verify that these are all contracts that are
active? Also, who in our organization is continuing to pursue these
assignments? Columbia would like to reduce the guaranty (I have agreed to a
reduction due to Risk's analysis that no MTM exposure exists, only delivery
which I have asked Bryce Baxter to quantify); however, further reductions are
dependent on Bryce being able to determine the receivable risk assosciated
with the unassigned, active contracts.

Thanks for your help,
---------------------- Forwarded by Tanya Rohauer/HOU/ECT on 12/13/2000 11:50
AM ---------------------------

Jeffrey C Gossett
12/05/2000 06:32 PM
To: Tanya Rohauer/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: CES

The deals that we have in our system are not inclusive of gas daily daily
deals or deals at index. These deals are all in our physical sytems but are
not at a fixed price, therefore have no forward mark to market value. These
are the deals that are not evergreen deals.

From: Tanya Rohauer
12/05/2000 06:23 PM

To: Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: CES

I am somewhat unclear as to how we got from the 300 or so contracts that have
not been assigned per Cyndie's list below to 3? Does that mean all the other
contracts have rolled off? Guadalupe Power Partners LP looks like one that
has not rolled off that was a huge term sale with considerable delivery
risk. Are all of the deals on Cyndie's list index deals? Let's chat tomorrow.


Jeffrey C Gossett
12/05/2000 05:49 PM
To: Tanya Rohauer/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: CES

Let me know what else I can do.


---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT on 12/05/2000
05:48 PM ---------------------------

Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan@ENRON
12/04/2000 09:56 AM
To: Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Linda S Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: CES

Attached is a spreadsheet which tracks the CES non-assigned contracts. This
spreadsheet is current as of 12/04/00. I have also attached a 10/01/00 deal
extract showing all deals in Sitara that still carried the CES prefix (which
is used to denote non-assigned deals), this report was originally pulled from
Sitara for Tanya Rohauer. Please call me at 713.853.1443 if I can be of any
further assistance.

Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan
ENA - Global Contracts

CES Transactions (Deal Extract) 10/1/00 - forward
(Please note, there are several transactions for which consent has not been
received that are flagged as evergreen in Sitara and as such represent a
"rolling" CES transaction and as such exposure until consent for assignment
is received or until the transaction/contract is terminated. I have
highlighted these transaction in green.)