Enron Mail

Subject:Supervisory Leadership Series Offering
Date:Thu, 18 Jan 2001 15:31:00 -0800 (PST)

Attention Enron Leaders!!!!!

Due to an overwhelming response to last year's offerings, we're bringing ba=
the Supervisory Leadership Series just in time to address PRC feedback. =20
There are 5 topics to choose from, or attend the entire series, it's up to=
you. The classes are:

Working Styles: Working with People Effectively Tuesday, February 27th=
8:00am - 12:00pm in room EB560 $300

This module helps participants understand how they perceive others and how=
others perceive them on the basis of behavioral clues. It also discusses wh=
they can learn from those clues about working together effectively. As a=20
result of the module, participants will experience less interpersonal tensi=
with members of the team, or work unit, as a result of knowing how to adapt=
to others=01, styles. They will also attain a more collaborative focus at w=
because of energy saved from lack of interpersonal tension.

- Understand the features of the four basic working styles
- Understand how others perceive you with regard to working styles
- Understand the concept of versatility and how it impacts working=20
together effectively
- Practice versatility skills
- Understand the supervision and leadership issues relating to working=

Motivating for Results Tuesday, February 27th 1:00pm - 5:00pm in roo=
EB 560 $300

This module will explore the supervisor=01,s or team leader=01,s role in=20
establishing conditions that allow direct reports and team members to=20
motivate themselves. As a result of the module, participants will gain new=
models and tools to use in ways that influence employee motivation.

- Understand the Performance With Fulfilment module
- Define motivation
- Relate the five factors of the Leadership and Motivation Model to=20
- Apply skills/tools to put the Leadership and Motivation Model into=
- Create an action plan for specific direct reports or team members

Communicating Effectively for Leaders Wednesday, February 28th 8:00=
- 5:00pm in room EB 560 $500

Participants will learn the skills that facilitate and promote good=20
communication, as well as the behaviors that indicate a willingness to=20
communicate with others. As a result of the module, participants will have=
new models and tools that enhance their willingness and ability to=20
communicate in the workplace.

- Understand the reason for, and consequences of, poor communication
- Apply the tools of good communication: Responsive Listening,=20
Questioning, Restating, and Empathy
- Practice using these communication tools in a work situation
- Identify behaviors that indicate positive and negative attitudes towa=
communicating with others
- Develop a strategy for overcoming barriers to using communication=20
skills on the job

Delegating and Directing Thursday, March 1st 8:00am - 12:00pm in ro=
EB 560 $300

Participants learn to balance two dimensions of management: delegating=20
appropriate responsibility and authority to employees, while maintaining=20
sufficient monitoring and control. As a result of the module, participants=
will be able to utilize management practices that enhance efficiency and=20
empowerment of employees.

- Understand the relationship between delegating and directing
- Understand the task-related and employee-related considerations for=
successful delegating and directing
- Identify opportunities for increasing and enhancing delegation and=20
direction on the job
- Support the increase of commitment and productivity while reducing=20
managerial stress

Meeting Leadership Challenges Thursday, March 1st 1:00pm - 5:00pm in=
room EB 560 $300

This module introduces the challenges and rewards of managing people and=20
helps participants create a plan for successfully meeting leadership=20
challenges. As a result of the module, participants will have an=20
understanding of the supervisory leadership role, and of their strengths as=
they apply their leadership knowledge and skills.

- Recognize three skills needed to survive in times of accelerated cha=
- Review the process of growth and change as explained by the Growth=
- Understand the skills and abilities required of Doers and Managers
- Develop a vision of the ideal manager/supervisor/team leader
- Do a reality check through self-assessment.
- Create an action plan to develop the skills, abilities and confidenc=
to make the vision a reality

Coaching for Performance Friday, March 2 8:00 am - 12:00 pm in room=20
EB560 $300

Participants will understand and practice coaching skills for improving and=
maintaining job performance and commitment. As a result of the module,=20
participants will learn new approaches and tools to use in the workplace th=
improve job skills, reinforce and increase performance levels, and enhance=
employee job satisfaction and commitment.

- Understand the definition and purposes of coaching
- Use performance-problem analysis to identify the cause(s) of=20
performance problems and determine what the coaching focus should be
- Practice performance observation and document skills

To register for any of these classes, click here (), or call 713 853-0357.