Enron Mail

To:william_p_boswell@corp.cng.com, shorton@enron.com,jbuccigross@skippingstone.com, novakm@natfuel.com, jrtemplton@aol.com, jmcostan@mwbb.com, gisb@aol.com, keith-sappenfield@reliantenergy.com, gisb4@aol.com, dpfeifer@akili.com, lstewart@pacent.com, mw
Subject:Comments for the DOE meeting on Feb. 14th
Date:Fri, 11 Feb 2000 05:51:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear Board Task Force -
Attached in .pdf format are comments filed yesterday by Williams Gas Pipeline
regarding the upcoming meeting. You have already received the other comments
submitted to the GISB office via email. These comments will be posted on our
home page today. Best Regards, Rae

cc: Dale Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

- williams.PDF