Enron Mail

To:susan.ralph@enron.com, stanley.horton@enron.com, dana.gibbs@enron.com,joe.richards@enron.com, david.hultsman@enron.com, lori.maddox@enron.com, mary.coombe@enron.com
Subject:EOTT Vehicle Lists
Date:Thu, 13 Jul 2000 10:59:00 -0700 (PDT)

As a follow up to today's Capital Project review meeting, attached below are
the lists of all EOTT vehicles for your review. We discussed leasing the
vehicles in the 2000 Maintenance Budget, and also considering a lease of
vehicles purchased in prior years.

As requested, these lists cover every vehicle of every description owned or
leased by EOTT, including trailers and maintenance equipment. The vehicles
being replaced by new 2000 vehicles are highlighted in the "July 13 Total
Equip List" spreadsheet. Vehicles that may be replaced by Employee Owned
Vehicles are listed in the "2000 Values for EOV Vehicles" spreadsheet.

If this is too confusing, please let me or David Holland help with any
questions you have.


----- Forwarded by Cutty Cunningham/Houston/Eott on 07/13/00 05:15 PM -----

David Holland
07/13/00 02:54 PM

To: Cutty Cunningham/Houston/Eott@Eott
Subject: Vehicle Listings

In respone to your request for vehicle list, I have attahced the following:

Total Tractors and Trailers (July 13 Crude Tractors & Trailers.xls) - This
file has all crude tractors, crude bobtails, crude trailers/pups, and NGL
tractors and trailers included.

Total Other Vehicle List (July 13 Total Equip List.xls) - This file has all
other assets that have tires (cars, pickups, backhoes, forklifts, utility
trailers, pipeline maintenance equipment) Vehicles highlighted in red are
units ordered through PHH that have been received or shipped.

List of Vehicles/Personnel proposed to go to EOV (2000 Values for EOV
Vehicles.xls) - This list contains the personnel and vehicles we proposed to
transition to the EOV Plan (Runzheimer). Every vehicle on this spreadsheet
is included in the July 13 Total Equip List.xls. We have the potential to
reduce EOTT owned vehicles by this amount if all go to Runzheimer.

New vehicles ordered through PHH as part of partnership with Enron and the
Fleet Council (2000 EOTT New Veh Order Status 060100.xls). This has all of
the light utility vehicles we ordered through Enron for delivery in 2000.