Enron Mail

To:stanley.horton@enron.com, cindy.stark@enron.com
Subject:FERC Update
Date:Thu, 20 Jan 2000 00:45:00 -0800 (PST)

The Gas NOPR/NOI is not on the agenda for the upcoming FERC meeting. That's
good news from the standpoint that it gives us time to present a proposal on
pricing ROFR.

I also thought that you would be interested to know that Gay Friedmann and
Lorraine Cross are meeting next week with McLane Layton (the potential FERC
replacement). So while Jerry Halvorsen reports that INGAA will likely take
no position, it sounds like INGAA staffers are moving forward at meeting the
candidates. That makes me feel more comfortable moving forward with out
Enron call with Ms. Layton. (FYI - Cynthia also reports that El Paso
actively backed Ms. Layton when her name surfaced during a prior FERC