Enron Mail

To:gisb@aol.com, gisb4@aol.com, jmcostan@mwbb.com
Subject:GISB Announcement of Subcommittee Creation and First Meeting
Date:Wed, 1 Mar 2000 10:41:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear GISB Members and Interested Industry Participants,

At the Executive Committee meeting in February, the Executive Committee
created a new subcommittee, the Expedited Data Development (EDD)
Subcommittee. The EDD Subcommittee has been charged with the development of
the information requirements standards for (1) imbalance netting and trading
and (2) title transfer tracking. The Executive Committee placed a higher
priority on the imbalance netting and trading topic.

The subcommittee's first meeting is scheduled on March 13 and 14 in
Houston, hosted at the Dynegy offices, to be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Please join me in thanking Ms. Hess of Enron Gas Pipeline Group and Ms.
Munson of Altra Energy Technologies for volunteering their time to lead this

An agenda and work papers will be posted on the GISB Home Page shortly
for this first meeting. The first meeting will address imbalance netting and
trading ONLY.

If you or other representatives of your company would like your email
address to be maintained on an email distribution list for this subcommittee,
please forward your name, email address, phone and fax to the GISB office.
GISB follows a privacy policy and will not provide your email address to
other groups for their use.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Best Regards,
Rae McQuade

(If you are on this general notices distribution list and would like to be
removed, please email such request to the GISB office and your email address
will be removed. If you would like to add other participants from your
company to this distribution list, please also email such request to the GISB
office. GISB follows a privacy policy and will not provide your email
address to other groups for their use.)

- am000314.PDF