Enron Mail

To:gisb@aol.com, gisb4@aol.com
Subject:GISB Proposed Standards Request for Comment Period Announcement
Date:Wed, 3 May 2000 11:50:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dear GISB Members & Interested Industry Participants,

The GISB industry comment period begins today and ends on May 31 for the
recommendations following recommendations: R97064D, R98031, R98035B, R98085,
R99035, R99050 and the Minimum Guidelines recommended by the Future
Technology Task Force. Subcommittees and task forces submitted the
recommendations for your review on April 26, April 27, May 1 and May 2.

A brief description of the recommendations is attached with the announcement
of the comment period and the recommendations themselves can be accessed from
the GISB Web site. Due to the number of pages (194), the recommendations
follow in a separate email, which can be downloaded at your convenience
should you choose to do so.

All comments received by the GISB office by end of business May 31 will be
posted on the Home Page and forwarded to the Executive Committee (EC) members
for their consideration. The EC members will consider all comments and are
scheduled to cast their votes on these recommendations on June 15 at the EC
meeting at the offices of Boeing in Seattle, Washington.

If you have difficulty retrieving this document, please call the GISB office
at (713) 356-0060.

Best Regards, GISB Office

(If you are on this Membership and General Notices distribution list and
would like to be removed, please email such request to the GISB office and
your email address will be removed. If you would like to add other
participants from your company to this distribution list, please also email
such request to the GISB office. GISB follows a privacy policy and will not
provide your email address to other groups for their use.)

- cr000503.PDF