Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Azurix/Enel
Date:Thu, 26 Apr 2001 08:26:00 -0700 (PDT)

Right now, we are concentrating on disposing of all Azuriz assets other than
Wessex and Buenos Aires. John Garrison and Michael Anderson are handling
getting CA's executed and books out to the respective parties. Just contact
Michael directly about getting this kicked-off. Thanks.

Riccardo_Bortolotti%ECT%ENRON@eott.com on 04/26/2001 12:49:01 PM
To: Stanley.Horton%enron.com%EOTT%ENRON@EOTT.COM

Subject: Re: Azurix/Enel

One way to proceed could be that I try to have an informal chat with Mr.
Barozzi ( Head of Strategic Planning ) to see if they are interested to
talk, if the answer is Yes probably have them sign a confidentiality and
then either meet them with you or your people or send them information,
whatever you think makes more sense to begin with .

open for any suggestion .

regards .


Stanley.Horton@enron.com on 25/04/2001 17:13:52

To: Riccardo Bortolotti@ECT@ENRON

Subject: Re: Azurix/Enel

Yes. Let me know about follow=up plans.

Riccardo_Bortolotti%ECT%ENRON@eott.com on 04/25/2001 08:34:33 AM

To: Stanley_Horton%Enron.com%Eott@EOTT.COM,
cc: Michael_R_Brown%ECT@EOTT.COM, Eric_Shaw%ECT%ENRON@eott.com

Subject: Azurix/Enel

Stan + Mark,

as you are probably aware Enel is actively looking at acquiring water
businesses, particularly, but not only, in the UK .

They are also generally interested in opportunities in South America .

We are always looking at things that could attract Enel' s interest in
order to help us get our hands on some power and potentially gas positions
in Italy .

Moreover, Enel is cash rich and has proven to be a very generous buyer,
when it comes to acquisitions in areas of business ( gas, water and
telecoms ) that can help them to fulfil their vision to become a multi
utility .

I have got some decent contacts at the decision making level . Would you
be interested in discussing a potential approach ?