Enron Mail

Subject:Re: EOTT: Call to McAndrews (Lloyds/Montana case)
Cc:dana.gibbs@enron.com, maryellen.hall@enron.com, michael.moran@enron.com,stanley.horton@enron.com
Bcc:dana.gibbs@enron.com, maryellen.hall@enron.com, michael.moran@enron.com,stanley.horton@enron.com
Date:Thu, 8 Jun 2000 09:23:00 -0700 (PDT)

Steve, Stan and I have discussed this and we agree that Mike Moran should
take the lead and explore all aspects of an Enron Global deal. I know that
you will assist Mike in this endeavor. thanks, mike

Steve Duffy
06/06/00 10:57 AM

To: Michael Burke
cc: Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron, Michael Moran/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Dana
Gibbs, MaryEllen Hall/Houston/Eott@Eott
Subject: EOTT: Call to McAndrews (Lloyds/Montana case)

Here is the initial feedback from the Montana lawyers. Looks like Lloyds is
more interested settling with EOTT as part of a global buy out of all old
InterNorth policies. I wouldn't place any stock whatsoever in the comment
Lloyds' representative made about Studdert. He has been very helpful and
highly professional in all matters pertaining to this case. EOTT and Enron
might be able to negotiate some sort of settlement as part of a global buy
out, but I don't know if Enron would even consider this. Studdert might have
the best feel for this. Separately, the defendant group will get back to us
on any offer they might be willing to make to settle just the Montana case,
but it appears that their real interest would be in a "global" deal. Any
comments? SWD
----- Forwarded by Steve Duffy/Houston/Eott on 06/06/2000 10:36 AM -----

"Glenn Tremper" <gtremper@chjw.com<
06/05/2000 05:39 PM

To: "Jean Faure" <jfaure@chjw.com<
cc: Steve Duffy/Houston/Eott@Eott
Subject: EOTT: Call to McAndrews

I spoke with Jim McAndrews late this afternoon. I told him EOTT was
interested in following up on the possibility of settling the case, which he
left open after the trial.

He said that, after trial, London concluded they wanted to, in essence, buy
out all of Enron Corp's coverage and were not interested in settling the case
on its own. They corresponded with Jim Studdert a few times during the
winter, but Jim responded in a way that John said was rude.

If we are interested in talking about a buy-out, London would be interested.
I told him that would be very difficult for EOTT to arrange, as it is not the
sole insured. I asked if buying out just EOTT's coverage was a possibility.
He pointed out that there is a strong connection between the two (Enron's
listing in Martindell lists EOTT's attorneys, he claims) and thinks it could
be done as one package. In any event, London really wants to deal with all
the coverage under the Internorth policies.

I told him I had heard about the buy-out campaign elsewhere and had forwarded
material to Studdert on that issue. I need to follow-up with Studdert and
Duffy to figure out where Enron/EOTT is on this issue now.

I asked what number his people would be willing to pay just to settle the
Ashland claim, in the likely event that there could be no buy-out. He said
he would need to talk with London about that. I suspect it will be quite

We agreed that we would each speak with our people and get back in touch
early next week.

I left a voice mail with Steve to this regard, but I'm copying him as well
for his information.

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