Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Good morning
Date:Wed, 25 Apr 2001 04:12:00 -0700 (PDT)

Sounds good about the car and the horse show. WHERE is David staying this
weekend when he comews up. I am not sure I approve of this. What is the
deal? Email me at home.

"Caron Horton" <Caron.Horton@Trinity.edu< on 04/25/2001 10:46:04 AM
To: <Stanley.Horton@enron.com<

Subject: Re: Good morning

Yea I watched some of the game last night too and saw you there. I was like
"Look it's Dad!!! Cool!!!!" Unfortunately there was no one here to tell
that to but it's ok. I'm glad you had fun. I ordered flowers last night
for Mom for Mother's Day and for DK for her b-day. I hope that's ok. I
didn't know what to get Debbie, but I know I always like flowers so I
thought those would be good. I'm glad my car is ok. Please thank Debbie
for me, and I'll thank her as soon as I get the chance. By the way, I'm not
coming home this weekend because Mom didn't want me to drive home this
weekend and then turn around and come home again on Tuesday (reading days).
David is going to drive up here for the weekend, and we are going to go to
some of the Fiesta festivities around here and the big FiestaFest concert
here on Friday night. I will be home on Tuesday night though after classes
and will switch back cars then. (I'll be home Tuesday till Friday morning
to bring a load of stuff home and study. I also wanted to be there for the
munchkins' b-day party - it is the first one and all.) Thanks so much for
taking care of my car and letting me borrow the Beemer. It's been nice
having it!!! I hope you are having a great day and I'll talk to you
tonight. I love you!!!
PS - Thanks for letting the horses go to Nacodoches last weekend. Rose won
both the costume class and championship so she's qualified for Nationals in
that now, and Ricki won his driving so he's qualified now too. Rose got 3rd
out of 6 in sidesaddle, but Jennifer said it was her and not Rose (fred said
so too!!). I'll have to get that qualification in San Antonio. I just
thought you'd like to know and tell you thanks for giving me some more
classes to ride at Nationals. Maybe I'll actually win something there this
time around!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: <Stanley.Horton@enron.com<
To: <Caron.Horton@Trinity.edu<
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 7:56 AM
Subject: Good morning

< The game was awesome. Our tickets were directly behind homeplate. Debbie
< said she could see me on every pitch and knew that I left the bootom half
< of the 8th inning. She said I never picked my nose once on camera.
< good, huh.
< Have a good day. Talk with you later. By the way, your car is done.
< had no problem removing the oil filter at all. They only had to wriggle
< a little bit.
< Love, Daddy