Enron Mail

Cc:rick.buy@enron.com, ben.glisan@enron.com, rod.hayslett@enron.com,william.bradford@enron.com, richard.causey@enron.com, steve.hotte@enron.com, mary.coombe@enron.com, dana.gibbs@enron.com
Bcc:rick.buy@enron.com, ben.glisan@enron.com, rod.hayslett@enron.com,william.bradford@enron.com, richard.causey@enron.com, steve.hotte@enron.com, mary.coombe@enron.com, dana.gibbs@enron.com
Date:Wed, 2 Aug 2000 10:58:00 -0700 (PDT)

Stan, feedback as follows:

Does the candidate posess the required technical skills to be successful in
this job?

Clearly has an appropriate background to support the role - able to talk
sensibly about the science of market risk (value at risk, options etc.) and
the art too (culture and interplay between front, middle, back office).
Perhaps a little light on some of the finer points of a VAR - based metric,
and I did not delve into the nuances of the oil transportation world.

Does the candidate possess the necessary leadership and teamwork skills and
Does the candidate possess the necessary communication skills (internal &

I liked his style - calm, collected, succinct. Professional but with some
humour (!). Body language was open and will facilitate good rapport.
Strong personality which at times made me feel I was the interviewee, but I
think that could be a good thing here.
I think he will be able to build good relationships, that support both the
"customer service" and "independent controller" aspects of the CFO role down
at EOTT.

In your opinion, do you believe the candidate would be successful in this job?

I do, but I assume we have other candidates to compare also ?


Stanley Horton
08/02/2000 11:20 AM
Sent by: Cindy Stark
To: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ben F Glisan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rod
Hayslett/FGT/Enron@ENRON, William.Bradford@enron.com, Richard
Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve Hotte/Corp/Enron@ENRON, David Port/Market
cc: Mary Ellen Coombe/Houston/Eott@Eott, Dana Gibbs/Houston/Eott@Eott


Thank you for agreeing to interview with Mr. Lawrence Clayton, Jr..
Lawrence is being considered for the position of Chief Financial Officer for
EOTT Energy Partners. This position would have responsibility for the
accounting, finance, credit, treasury, risk management and IT functions
within the EOTT organization.

This is an extremely important position within the EOTT organization, and we
want to be sure that the person we hire is the right person for the job.
This is why we've asked for your time.

It would be appreciated if you would follow-up with an e-mail to me giving me
your thoughts on Lawrence. Specifically, answers to the following questions
would be helpful:

Does the candidate possess the required technical skills to be successful in
this job?
Does the candidate possess the necessary leadership and teamwork skills and
Does the candidate possess the necessary communication skills (internal &
Does the candidate seem in alignment with Enron's values?
In your opinion, do you believe the candidate would be successful in this job?

Any other feedback would be most appreciated!
