Enron Mail

Date:Mon, 30 Apr 2001 01:24:00 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for the report. Just what I needed.

From: PEGGY FOWLER/ENRON@enronxgate on 04/27/2001 05:16 PM
To: Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron
cc: Mary Trosper/ENRON@enronxgate


For Portland General Electric, week of April 23, 2001
1)Announcement of termination of Enron and Sierra Pacific deal was uneventful,
and not surprising to employees and Portland Community.
2)Time was spent in addressing questions from data room in San Francisco.
3)FERC ordered the Cal ISO to file by 6/1/01, a RTO proposal with FERC. At the
same time FERC's approval of the effort by the 9 NW utilities (IOUs plus BPA)
to form RTO West was conditioned on making a 12/1/01 compliance filing that
addresses seams issues with California and Canada, and a timetable for
creating a West-wide RTO. Together, these orders should help prevent
California's efforts to balkanize their power system.
4)FERC's order on RTO West gave a boost to the inclusion within the RTO of the
independent-for-profit transmission company (TransConnect) proposed by 6 of
the 9 RTO utilities including PGE. Relying heavily on TransConnect's
independence, the Commission approved TransConnect's proposal to file for
innovative and incentive rates.
5)Wholesale sales continue strong in a robust market.
6)Thermal plants are in sequential annual maintenance outages.
7)Hydro plants operations are reduced due to poor water condition in NW.
8)Contract negotiations continue with IBEW Local 125. Next meeting is
scheduled for May 7.
9)Customer Information System installation is approaching 75% completion,
being on schedule, and under budget.
10)Joint Meter Reading project is on target with 850,000 routes now merged
with NW Natural Gas.
11)SB 1149, Oregon's version of deregulation, is still uncertain in the
legislature. We are ready to implement on whatever timeframe is decided.
12)We plan to submit another fast track small microturbine generating plant
for RAROC next week.
13)Senator Gordon Smith reception held to keep contact on issues around price
caps, and there determental effect on energy markets and new generation.

<<< Horton, Stanley 04/23/01 02:57PM <<<
I would appreciate if each of you could provide a brief (one-page or less)
bullet point summary of the week's activity by close of business each Friday.
You can send either via e-mail or fax.

Jeff has his staff meetings on Monday mornings and it would help me keep him
abreast of key activities in your respective areas.

I don't need anything elaborate.
