Enron Mail

To:gisb@aol.com, gisb4@aol.com
Subject:Request for Industry Commens on New Standards Organization
Date:Mon, 8 May 2000 12:29:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Industry Participant:

At the industry meeting held at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on
April 26, the participants supported another round of industry comments to
conclude on May 22. The comments to be submitted electronically to the GISB
office (gisb@aol.com) should address:
? organizing principles that should be followed as its structure is
? definition of the organization(s),
? organizational structure including governance bodies,
? voting including a balanced voting mechanism, and
? definition of industry segments.

These comments will be posted on the GISB home page for public access and
use, and they will also be submitted to the GISB Board of Directors along
with comments that have previously been submitted and posted regarding the
creation of a new standards organization.

We appreciate the effort of the industry participants in considering whether
a national standards organization is needed, and if so, a definition of its
scope, organizational structure and organizing principles. We look forward
to receiving additional comments, which will be promptly posted on our web
site for public access and use.

Should you need further information, do not hesitate to visit our web site
(www.gisb.org) or call our office (713-356-0060). Transcripts of the
meetings (February 14, April 17, and April 26) are available from Ms.
Copeland of Ak/Ret Reporting (361-882-9037).

Best Regards,
Rae McQuade

(If you are on this distribution list and would like to be removed, please
email such request to the GISB office and your email address will be removed.
If you would like to add other participants from your company to this
distribution list, please also email such request to the GISB office. GISB
follows a privacy policy and will not provide your email address to other
groups for their use.)
- request for comments post meeting.PDF