Enron Mail

Subject:EOTT Employee Action Email
Date:Thu, 31 May 2001 12:45:06 -0700 (PDT)

Here is the email sent to employees. . . . . .shall I send to Dana and requ=
est he send names to you?

Lynette LeBlanc, PHR
Manager, HR Client Services
EOTT Energy Corporation
Tel: 713-993-5014/Fax: 713-993-5898
Please reply to: lynette_leblanc@eott.com

Visit us on our Website at www.eott.com
----- Forwarded by Lynette LeBlanc/Houston/Eott on 05/31/01 02:50 PM -----

=09Lynette LeBlanc 05/30/01 02:54 PM =09 To: Kelly Clark/Houston/Eott@Eot=
t, Diane Corbett/Long_Beach/Eott@Eott, Jesse Hernandez/Houston/Eott@Eott, J=
oe Hullings/Remote/Eott@Eott, Mike Reed/Long_Beach/Eott@Eott, James Roberts=
/Remote/Eott@Eott, Sonny Uzzle/Houston/Eott@Eott, Greg Wheeler/Remote/Eott@=
Eott, Christine Andress/Houston/Eott@Eott, Brandon Brunson/Midland/Eott@Eot=
t, Mike Ditmore/Midland/Eott@Eott, Larry Garrett/Long_Beach/Eott@Eott, Jack=
ie Heckman/Remote/Eott@Eott, Stevens Hollister/Remote/Eott@Eott, Kari Kaise=
r/Bakersfield/Eott@Eott, Harry King/Remote/Eott@Eott, Larry Lane/Remote/Eot=
t@Eott, Paul Marchi/Long_Beach/Eott@Eott, Gary Moore/Midland/Eott@Eott, Lan=
ce Nash/Houston/Eott@Eott, Bobby Petitfils/Remote/Eott@Eott, Vic Porter/Rem=
ote/Eott@Eott, Kenneth Reasnor/Remote/Eott@Eott, Jeffrey Sage/Remote/Eott@E=
ott, George Strecker/Remote/Eott@Eott, Bruce Taton/Remote/Eott@Eott, Rodney=
Taylor/Remote/Eott@Eott, Mike Watson/Remote/Eott@Eott, Ken Wise/Remote/Eot=
t@Eott, Jeanette Cummings/Houston/Eott@Eott, Lonnie Hurst/Remote/Eott@Eott,=
Dena Lawrence/Houston/Eott@Eott, Vickie Martinez/Houston/Eott@Eott, Sandy =
McDowell/Remote/Eott@Eott, Priscilla Norton/Houston/Eott@Eott, Sherry Scale=
s/Houston/Eott@Eott, Shelly Worrell/Houston/Eott@Eott, Kevin Coit/Long_Beac=
h/Eott@Eott, Audrey Gothard/Houston/Eott@Eott, Dru Heim/Long_Beach/Eott@Eot=
t, Patty Knowlan/Houston/Eott@Eott, Lisa Meyer/Houston/Eott@Eott, Maria Mor=
an/Houston/Eott@Eott, Wilma Sheffield/Houston/Eott@Eott, Brian Simmons/Remo=
te/Eott@Eott, Kevin Tyler/Houston/Eott@Eott, Karen Walker/Houston/Eott@Eott=
, Robin Border/Houston/Eott@Eott, Lawrence Clayton/Houston/Eott@Eott, Jim C=
oen/Houston/Eott@Eott, Dan Cole/Remote/Eott@Eott, Steve Comstock/Remote/Eot=
t@Eott, Mary Ellen Coombe/Houston/Eott@Eott, David Hultsman/Houston/Eott@Eo=
tt, Bob Jacobs/Long_Beach/Eott@Eott, Jimmy Lee/Houston/Eott@Eott, Lori Madd=
ox/Houston/Eott@Eott, Steve Myers/Houston/Eott@Eott, Jim Parmer/Houston/Eot=
t@Eott, Susan Ralph/Houston/Eott@Eott, Molly Sample/Houston/Eott@Eott, Robe=
rt Sanford/Houston/Eott@Eott, Jon Trevelise/Houston/Eott@Eott, Gary Wright/=
Houston/Eott@Eott cc: Robin Border/Houston/Eott@Eott, Dan Cole/Remote/Eott=
@Eott, Steve Comstock/Remote/Eott@Eott, Diane Corbett/Long_Beach/Eott@Eott,=
Joe Hullings/Remote/Eott@Eott, Bob Jacobs/Long_Beach/Eott@Eott, Kevin Lee/=
Long_Beach/Eott@Eott, Paul Marchi/Long_Beach/Eott@Eott, Lisa Meyer/Houston/=
Eott@Eott, Steve Myers/Houston/Eott@Eott, Bennie Orr/Remote/Eott@Eott, Mike=
Reed/Long_Beach/Eott@Eott, James Roberts/Remote/Eott@Eott, Robert Sanford/=
Houston/Eott@Eott, Sonny Uzzle/Houston/Eott@Eott, Greg Wheeler/Remote/Eott@=
Eott, Lawrence Clayton/Houston/Eott@Eott, Dana Gibbs/Houston/Eott@Eott, Bob=
Barnett/Houston/Eott@Eott, Steven Grajek/Houston/Eott@Eott, Beth Velasquez=
/Houston/Eott@Eott Subject: Midyear PEP - EMPLOYEE ACTION REQUIRED=09

Your position has been identified to participate in the 2001 Mid Year Perfo=
rmance Enhancement Process. During this process you will:
Choose reviewers who may provide feedback on your performance
Complete a self evaluation form to provide feedback on your own performance=
as well as highlight your accomplishments during the review period.
Identify up to 5 names of suggested reviewers. These names should be sent=
to your reviewing supervisor. Your supervisor may use the suggested names=
and add reviewers they choose. =20

As you are choosing reviewers for yourself, please remember the following:
Choose no more than 5 reviewers who are familiar with your work over the pa=
st 6 months and who interact with you on a regular basis
Reviewers could be your direct reports, a peer, an internal client or an ex=
ternal business associate (an external business associate is someone who wo=
rks outside of EOTT)
Reviewers may not be your supervisor, your reviewing supervisor or yourself

Email your suggested reviewer names to your reviewing supervisor NO LATER T=
HAN JUNE 8, 2001. Your supervisor will then communicate directly with the =
identified reviewers regarding completing a Peer/Customer Feedback form. =
All Feedback Forms will be kept totally confidential.

Complete a Self Evaluation form and submit it to your reviewing supervisor =
BY JUNE 15, 2001. The information will be used by your supervisor, along w=
ith the peer/customer feedback, to complete your comprehensive performance =
evaluation. =20

To access the form: =20
Go to the Forms page on the EOTT Intranet
Under Browse Forms by Category, choose Performance Enhancement Process
Choose the Form which applies to your position. The forms are grouped by t=
he level of employee being reviewed: =20
Management/Professional - all exempt level employees (employees who do not =
receive overtime pay), with the exception of Officers and General Managers
Vice President/Managing Director - Officers and General Managers=20
Follow the instructions on the 2nd page of the form for completing and savi=
ng the form. Do not complete the form until you have saved it to a private=

Suggested Time Table
2001 Mid Year PEP

Action=09Targeted Date=09
HR sends all employee kickoff communication=09May 25=09
HR sends communication to affected reviewing supervisors=09May 25=09
HR sends request for peer/customer reviewers & completion of Self Evaluatio=
n document to participating employees=09May 30=09
Names of Reviewers due back to supervisor=09June 8=09
Supervisor sends email to multiple reviewers requesting completion of Peer/=
Customer Feedback document =09June 11 - June 15=09
Employee Self Evaluation Form due to Supervisor=09June 15=09
Peer/Customer Feedback documents due back to Supervisors =09June 22=09
After receiving Feedback Forms and Self Evaluation Form, Supervisor complet=
es preliminary Supervisor Evaluation Form with rating and submits rating vi=
a email to HR=09 June 22 - June 29=09
Senior Leadership Committee Review=09July 16 - July 25=09
HR sends Committee ratings to supervisors=09July 25 - July 27=09
Supervisor finalizes Evaluation Form and rating=09July 31 - August 1=09
Supervisor conducts individual Employee review conference=09August 1 - Augu=
st 8=09

The HR Staff welcomes the opportunity to discuss the PEP process. If you h=
ave any questions, please feel free to call Bob Barnett at ex. 5003 or myse=
lf at ex. 5014.

Lynette LeBlanc, PHR
Manager, HR Client Services
EOTT Energy Corporation
Tel: 713-993-5014/Fax: 713-993-5898
Please reply to: lynette_leblanc@eott.com

Visit us on our Website at www.eott.com