Enron Mail

To:l..johnson@enron.com, john.shafer@enron.com, stanley.horton@enron.com
Date:Sun, 25 Nov 2001 13:10:14 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Cooper [mailto:bcfarm@starpower.net]
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 2:48 PM
To: Ben Cooper

Vol. 4, No. 46
November 23, 2001

Association of Oil Pipe Lines
(202) 408-7970
(202) 408-7983 (fax)

The opinions if any expressed in these notes are the author's only and do
not represent the views of the Association of Oil Pipe Lines (but they

1. Pipelines Announce Joint Push for Legislation

Five pipeline associations, representing the vast majority of the domestic
pipeline deliveries of oil and natural gas, wrote to Department of
Transportation Secretary Norm Mineta this week pledging to cooperate in a
proactive approach to pipeline safety reauthorization legislation. A number
of pipeline CEOs and trade association heads signed the letter, which
included a one-page position summary of the longer joint position paper we
reported on earlier (NOTES, No. 40, October 12, 2001). This public
communication sends the important message that the pipeline industry is
united in its view of the need for reauthorization legislation and has
agreed on a core set of principles and provisions upon which this
legislation can be based. We will have this correspondence up on our
website soon, but if you need a copy sooner, let us know and we'll send it
to you.

2. Commission Denies Rehearing of Olympic Suspension

The Commission this week denied Tesoro's request to suspend Olympic's
proposed rates for the full seven months permitted under the Interstate
Commerce Act. The Commission found the order "in the public interest as it
allows the increased rates to be collected, and during the period the
proposed rate increases are examined to determine whether they are just and
reasonable, they remain subject to refund." If Tesoro proves its case, it
will get refunds with interest. If Olympic is prevented from collecting the
rates, that revenue is lost forever. The Commission favored giving Olympic
the option of getting that revenue. The order can be found at

3. OPS on Right-To Know Post Sept. 11

525c1000.html -- Sept. 11 has pipeline regulators rethinking public access
to records.

4. FERC Releases New Search Engine

The FERC has been upgrading and improving its website, www.ferc.gov. Today
it announced the testing of a new search engine to help users find documents
more easily across FERC libraries and files. For more on the new search
engine, see http://cips.ferc.gov/Q\CIPS\MISC\NR\NR01-59.000.TXT.

5. EPA Seeks Comments on Diesel Emissions Standards

EPA is seeking review and comment on a Staff Technical Paper regarding
non-road diesel emission standards. According to the notice, EPA Staff
believes the Tier 3 standards in the regulations on emissions control are
feasible within the timeframe contemplated by the rule. Now Staff will be
turning its attention to further particulate matter reduction in the
off-road diesel, "to be addressed in a subsequent regulatory action."
Comments on the Staff Technical Paper on emissions controls are due by
January 4, 2002. A copy of the EPA notice may be found at page 58085 of the
Federal Register of November 20, 2001
(http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fedreg/a011120c.html). The Technical
Paper is available at http://www.epa.gov/otaq/equiphd.htm.
6. Comment Period on Historic Pipelines Extended
The Advisory Counsel on Historic Preservation has extended the comment
period on the program to streamline the historic preservation review process
for projects involving historic natural gas pipelines. Comments will now be
accepted until December 10, 2001. See the November 20, 2001 Federal
Register at page 58106
(http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fedreg/a011120c.html). The program
proposal is available at www.achp.gov/news-pipelinecomment.html.
7. REMINDER - AOPL Winter Meeting in January
Last year, the Pipeline Leadership voted to move the AOPL Annual Winter
Meeting from December to January. The meeting will be held in Washington,
DC on January 22-23, 2002. Mark your calendars. More information
concerning the meeting will be mailed to members the first week in December.

- PIPELINE NOTES11.23.01.rtf