Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Retirement
Date:Tue, 8 May 2001 13:37:00 -0700 (PDT)

For your information. I still think we can do better than this.

A J Mohring <amohring@juno.com< on 05/07/2001 09:36:35 PM
To: Stanley.Horton@enron.com

Subject: Retirement

May 7, 2001

Stan Horton
Chairman and Chief Exective Officer

Dear Mr. Horton:

Thank you for your letter of congratulation on my recent retirement.

I would like to make a suggestion, for the retirement plan for others.

When the 27 page retirement letter is sent, that a time table of
when items will be in place or transferred be included. (3-9
months or when)

Medical Forms can't be put in now until after you leave. I went
back to the office to HR and they put the information in the
system. Two weeks after I left I called to see when I would receive the
card (Dr. offices like to see the card). I was tolled I wasn't
even in the system. So I called back to Omaha HR and they worked
to get it in place. When I went to get a RX I was not in that system
either and had to come home and call HR and start over with that

The only part of the funds that are transferred as of this date
is the Cash Balance Plan. The Savings Plan and ESOP are not
transferred to my Financial Plan. They tell me they will be; this is why
I feel a timeline would be helpful. Until I received my
Medical Card I put off going to the Dr. Also I haven't wanted to
take a trip because, I am unsure of when funds will be transferred.

Last week I received a letter from a transfer Company out of NY.
with (2) shares of ENRON stock. So I called NY to see
what Fund that was from, they didn't know they were just to set up a
account. I called the Enron retirement line and they didn't know
what Fund that was from either.

Many of the people who answers the phones about any of this just
don't have answers.

ENRON employees have been well taken care of while we are working, this
doesn't seem like that in retirement. I share this because I know your
are always working to improve ENRON.


Jean Mohring
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