Enron Mail

Subject:hello 11/20
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 12:40:43 -0800 (PST)

Hi there. Well, I got my accounting test back and it wasn't that great. =
I made a B. I missed almost all my points on one of the big problems. I =
screwed up the formula and used the wrong number as the denominator which =
made the whole problem wrong. I was really bummed and felt really stupid =
when she went over it. My friend Missy sits behind me and the exact same =
thing happened to her on the same problem so I didn't feel so bad after th=
at. Our prof is going to substitute our lowest test grade with our final =
exam grade which she said everyone always does really well on so I still h=
ave an A in the class. I was still ticked though. I know a B isn't bad b=
ut when it's because of one problem you screwed up it's frustrating. If I=
hadn't screwed up the problem I would have had an A. Other than that, to=
day had been unexciting. I'll be home tomorrow night and can't wait!!! I=
was thinking of coming over in the morning on Thanksgiving Day and stayin=
g till noon. Would that be ok? I think the Saporitos are coming over at =
noon so I have to be back by then. Let me know what your plans are as far=
as thanksgiving day goes and if my coming over in the morning is ok. I l=
ove you!!! Have fun with Nick (hehehehe - or should I say good luck). Te=
ll Grandma Bettye hello and I love her for me. Talk to you tonight.