Enron Mail

Subject:it's the weekend!!!!!!!!!!
Date:Fri, 16 Nov 2001 13:59:36 -0800 (PST)

Hey Daddy!!!!!!! I'm so glad it's finally the weekend after this long week involving entirely too many tests!!! I bet you're thankful for the weekend too considering your life is much more stressful than mine at the moment!! So what are your plans for the weekend - golfing, sleeping, watching a race or two and trying to relax?? I don't know what I'm doing this weekend - probably nothing exciting. I can't wait for Thanksgiving!! It'll be so nice to be home for longer than a weekend. Oh by the way................I GOT A 92 ON MY STATS TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was really excited. I didn't expect to get it back today since we just took it Wednesday but we got it!! I was so happy because I was really expecting a B instead of an A this time. I've decided my brain must understand this better than I consciously thought it did!! Anyway, I was happy, and I hope the news brightens your day. I took my accounting test today and think I did pretty well. It was the hardest and longest one we've taken so far, but I still think I did well. Our teacher drops our lowest test grade too so if it's not an A, it'll get dropped. I'm sure it's an A or B though since accounting and I seem to get along well. :) Have a great rest of the day, and I'll talk to you tonight. I love you!!!
PS - Who won the b-ball game last night??