Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Enron Wind
Date:Wed, 4 Apr 2001 07:46:00 -0700 (PDT)

Please handle
---------------------- Forwarded by Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron on 04/04/2001
02:35 PM ---------------------------

Rodney_Malcolm%enronXgate@EOTT.COM on 03/30/2001 08:31:31 AM
To: Stan_Horton@eott.com

Subject: FW: Enron Wind


Congratulations on your new appointment to Enron wind. I am forwarding
this email as it may be of some use in your new role. Mitsui is a Japanese
holding company that I have had very light ongoing discussions on equity
investments they were looking for in power in North America as part of my
old role in origination in Enron North America. I have met Mr. Tamura only
once so it may make sense, if you have any interest, to contact him
directly. In any case if you have no interest in starting a dialogue
please let me know so that I can get back to Mr. Tamura and let him know.

Rodney Malcolm

-----Original Message-----
From: "Tamura,IchiroNYCME" <Iatamura@nyc.mitsui.com<@ENRON


Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 12:33 PM
To: 'Malcolm Rodney / Enron'
Subject: Enron Wind

Dear Mr. Malcolm

I hope you could remember me. I visited you with my colleague in November
1999 to discuss possible collaboration between Enron and Mitsui. While we
could not identify any project which we can jointly proceed with, the
discussion we had with you at that time was very useful for us.

The reason for me to writing this now is that I heard from some people that
Enron is now considering sale of Enron's wind power assets (Enron Wind).
think that the Wind power will be more popular in Japan as well and we have
an interest in Enron Wind. If you have any idea about status of Enron's
this effort, it would be very helpful if you could share some idea with me,
like price level Enron is thinking of and whether or not any actual
negotiation is going on, etc.

I will be travelling most of next two weeks and it would be very convenient
if you could e-mail me your response.

Ichiro Tamura, Mitsui USA
Tel: 212-878-4291
Cellular: 718-344-3385
E-Mail: iatamura@nyc.mitsui.com