Enron Mail

To:stanley.horton@enron.com, rod.hayslett@enron.com
Subject:eCommerce/eBusiness Strategy
Cc:cindy.stark@enron.com, julia.white@enron.com, shelley.corman@enron.com,danny.mccarty@enron.com, rita.houser@enron.com, philippe.bibi@enron.com, phil.lowry@enron.com, michael.moran@enron.com
Bcc:cindy.stark@enron.com, julia.white@enron.com, shelley.corman@enron.com,danny.mccarty@enron.com, rita.houser@enron.com, philippe.bibi@enron.com, phil.lowry@enron.com, michael.moran@enron.com
Date:Mon, 11 Dec 2000 00:25:00 -0800 (PST)

Please find attached the ETS eCommerce/eBusiness strategy document.

As there are many definitions associated with eCommerce/eBusiness, pages one
to four of the document provide us a common definition and understanding to
be used within ETS.

Page five overviews the statistics of the eCommerce/eBusiness transactions we
have completed in ETS this year. Included in the figures are close to three
million eConfirmations and five million hits to our eInformational postings.

Pages six to thirteen overview future ETS eCommerce/eBusiness opportunities
with page nine listing specific goals for 2001.

This document was created with the collaboration of many departments. The
rapid pace of technology and the use of that technology in business practices
will force continued input into this evergreen document.

Please let me know if you have any questions or require further clarification
on any items contained in the attachment.

Thank you.
