Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Board Meeting on May 10
Date:Tue, 24 Apr 2001 09:54:00 -0700 (PDT)

I am not aware of any other conflict with schedules. I suggest we go ahead
with the meeting.

Molly_Sample@eott.com on 04/24/2001 04:22:57 PM
To: Stan_Horton@eott.com, Dana_Gibbs@eott.com
cc: Walt_Zimmerman@eott.com

Subject: Board Meeting on May 10

As you are both aware, we have a board meeting scheduled for Thursday, May
10 at 1:30. The Audit Committee is scheduled to meet at 11:30 that day and
the Compensation Committee at 1:00. All meetings are at the Enron

Walt has just learned that John Duncan, Dee Osborne and Ken Lay are not
available to attend any of these meetings. This leaves two out of three
for the Audit Committee and just enough for a quorum on the board meeting.
Walt is looking at possibly scheduling the Comp Committee for the day
before, but will confirm his plans on Thursday and will notify you if that

I am telling you all of this to advise you that if any of the remaining
board members, being the two of you, Dan Whitty and Ted Gaylord, are not
available, we will not be able to have the board meeting. Walt recommends
we go forward with the date as scheduled, unless either of you is aware
that one of the four will not be available, or you would rather move the

Please let me know your thoughts on this. Thanks.

Molly Sample
VP & General Counsel
EOTT Energy Corp.
fax 713-402-2806