Enron Mail

Subject:RE: NBP Underwriting Group
Date:Thu, 12 Apr 2001 08:24:00 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for your reply, Dee!

From: Dee Svatos/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/12/2001 02:05 PM
To: Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron
cc: =20

Subject: RE: NBP Underwriting Group


Jerry said that Stan has reviewed this information, and is comfortable with=
it, so there is no need to contact him for a response.

Thanks, Cindy.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stark, Cindy On Behalf Of Horton, Stanley
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 1:06 PM
To: Peters, Jerry
Subject: Re: NBP Underwriting Group
Importance: High


Stan is in California at the KEYEX meeting today and tomorrow. What do y=


From: Jerry Peters/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/12/2001 11:39 AM
To: Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron, Ben Glisan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kelly H=20
Boots/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Rod Hayslett/ENRON@enronXgate, Bill Cordes/ENRON@enronXgate=20

Subject: NBP Underwriting Group

Attached is a short memo on our selection rationale for the underwriting=20
group for a planned (mid-May) equity offering of about $130 - $150 million=
for Northern Border Partners. Some of these firms may be contacting you, s=
this should be helpful in fielding those calls. With this group we are=20
attempting to balance our placement into firms that have substantial NBP=20
holdings (UBS Warburg, AGE) and diversify and expand holdings in other majo=
systems (SSB, Banc of America, First Union). Please note that for the firm=
not selected, i.e. Lehman, Goldman and Merrill, part of our rationale was t=
hold these systems for a potential offering later in 2001 that could be=20
accomplished on a sole-managed basis for up to about $50 million.

Kelly: As Ben requested, the underwriting fees are expected to be about=20
4.25% and the breakdown by firm will be provided when we have determined th=

Let me know ASAP if you have any questions or concerns as we will begin=20
discussions with these firms tomorrow.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse, John =20
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 8:03 AM
To: Peters, Jerry
Subject: NBP Underwriting Group
Importance: High

The following provides the rationale supporting the recommended underwriter=
group for Northern Border Partner=01,s upcoming equity offering. Please no=
that underlying the entire selection process is the fact that MLP units are=
specialized product sold to a more limited group of investors vis-.-vis=20
common stock. Thus, sheer underwriting bulk or equity league table positio=
of a given firm does not necessarily indicate the expected performance of=
such firm in an NBP offering.=20

Lead Manager - Salomon Smith Barney
SSB controls an impressive retail distribution system that has a strong=20
appetite of MLP offerings. The visibility of NBP within their system has=
increased recently as their MLP analyst has raised his rating on NBP to=20
"Outperform". SSB has served as a co-manager in past NBP offerings and has=
performed well. Furthermore, due to their comparatively small allocations =
these deals as a co-manager, we are confident that their system has=20
significant untapped demand for NBP units.

Joint Lead Manager - UBS Warburg (f/k/a PaineWebber)
UBS has served a lead manager for the last two NBP offerings that were=20
conducted via the rapid placement (limited marketing) process, so they are=
very familiar with NBP and provide very good analyst coverage. While we ar=
still confident that UBS will perform well and place a large number of unit=
their allocations as lead manager in our past deals probably soaked up a=20
great deal of demand for NBP units within their system. Therefore, rather=
than placing UBS in a situation where they would have to stretch to put awa=
a lead manager allocation, it was deemed prudent to slot them in the joint=
lead role.

Dain Rauscher and A.G. Edwards
Both firms have a strong mid-market presence and have demonstrated their=20
ability to place a significant number of NBP units in past offerings. Thes=
firms have not participated in an NBP deal since 1997, so this offering=20
should generate strong demand. Also, Dain Rauscher was recently acquired b=
Royal Bank of Canada, which provides commercial bank lending to NBP and NBP=
so NBP will be able to leverage DR=01,s participation in future debt=20

Bank of America and First Union
Bank of America has been a significant provider of commercial banking=20
services to NBP and NBPL over many years, while First Union recently became=
an NBP lender in the March 2001 transaction. Both have retail distribution=
systems available which currently hold a limited number of NBP units. Both=
have participated in past MLP offerings, with Bank of America serving as a=
joint lead for highly successful Williams MLP IPO.

Other institutions considered but not selected
Goldman Sachs & Lehman Brothers - Both firms support the MLP product=20
reasonably well and have demonstrated adequate coverage of NBP. Their=20
systems are geared towards institutional sales and high net-worth clients, =
their breadth of distribution for MLP units is more limited as compared to=

Merrill Lynch - Historically, this firm has not supported the MLP product=
despite its natural appeal to Merrill=01,s average customer. Admittedly, t=
new analyst has taken a more positive approach, but Merrill has not=20
participated in any meaningful way in several of the recent MLP offerings.

MSDW - NBP receives no coverage on the investment banking side and their=20
analyst has a =01&Hold=018 rating on the units.