Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Wessex Water
Date:Thu, 10 May 2001 01:05:00 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for the note. O agree these items Colin and you are looking could be
good for both entities.

Matthew_Scrimshaw%ECT%ENRON@EOTT.COM on 05/09/2001 04:08:30 AM
To: Stan_Horton@eott.com
cc: Michael_R_Brown%ECT@EOTT.COM, Danny_McCarty%Enron@EOTT.COM

Subject: Wessex Water


I met with Colin Skellet, Wessex Water CEO, last week and we agreed that
Wessex Water and Enron Direct should help each other going forward. Wessex
will provide ED with its I&C database and, should Wessex decide to enter
into the residential power and gas market, ED could provide site
registration and gas/power price risk management services to sit behind the
Wessex brand.

Given that Wessex is Enron's biggest retail platform in Europe, have you
given any thought as to how it could be closer integrated with Enron Direct
generally? Given current market conditions, I expect Enron will have
little choice but to hold onto Wessex for the time being which isn't
necessarily a bad thing.

There could obviously be some regulatory issues in bringing our retail
water and energy businesses together, though I think it is worth looking
at. ED has 150,000 I&C customers across the UK, making it a good fit for
Wessex. Also, if the Water market opens up to competition in the future,
there would be benefits for Wessex.

I look forward to discussing ideas with you when you are over in June.
