Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Morris' Mothers' Passing
Date:Thu, 27 Dec 2001 06:04:56 -0800 (PST)

Can you get a card to send to Morris?

-----Original Message-----
From: Hayslett, Rod=20
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 6:17 AM
To: Horton, Stanley
Subject: Fw: Morris' Mothers' Passing

Rod Hayslett
Office 713-853-6178
Cell 713-201-6135
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin, Bruce <Bruce.Martin@ENRON.com<
To: Hayslett, Rod <Rod.Hayslett@ENRON.com<; Lowry, Phil <Phil.Lowry@ENRON.c=
om<; Saunders, James <James.Saunders@ENRON.com<; Geaccone, Tracy <Tracy.Gea=
ccone@ENRON.com<; Brasher, Barney <Barney.Brasher@ENRON.com<; Centilli, Car=
olyn <Carolyn.Centilli@ENRON.com<; Clements, David <David.Clements@ENRON.co=
m<; Concklin, Elaine <Elaine.Concklin@ENRON.com<; Dickens-Wilson, Shirley J=
o <shirley.jo.dickens-wilson@ENRON.com<; Jeffers, Joe <Joe.Jeffers@ENRON.co=
m<; Will, John <John.Will@ENRON.com<; Young, Debra <Debra.Young@ENRON.com<;=
Arnold, Jeff <Jeff.Arnold@ENRON.com<; Baker, Lee <Lee.Baker@ENRON.com<; Br=
own, Tyrone <Tyrone.Brown@ENRON.com<; Centilli, Carolyn <Carolyn.Centilli@E=
NRON.com<; Moody, Duane W. <Duane.W.Moody@ENRON.com<; Fajardo, Leo <Leo.Faj=
ardo@ENRON.com<; Goradia, Pallavi <Pallavi.Goradia@ENRON.com<; Honey, Lisa =
<Lisa.Honey@ENRON.com<; Jeffers, Joe <Joe.Jeffers@ENRON.com<; Thomas, Jerry=
<Jerry.Thomas@enron.com<; Martin, Bruce <Bruce.Martin@ENRON.com<; McBath, =
Margie <Margie.McBath@ENRON.com<; Nabors-Collins, Judy <Judy.Nabors-Collins=
@ENRON.com<; Perkins, Rick <Rick.Perkins@enron.com<; Pool, Deelyn <Deelyn.P=
ool@ENRON.com<; Prigmore, Patty <Patty.Prigmore@ENRON.com<; Reese, John <Jo=
hn.Reese@ENRON.com<; Schomerus, Lynn <Lynn.Schomerus@ENRON.com<; Stotts, Re=
gina <Regina.Stotts@ENRON.com<; Zabawa, Mike <Mike.Zabawa@ENRON.com<; Alexa=
nder, James C. <James.C.Alexander@ENRON.com<; Asante, Ben <Ben.Asante@ENRON=
.com<; Bonnstetter, Mike <Mike.Bonnstetter@ENRON.com<; Brown, Max <Max.Brow=
n@ENRON.com<; Bruce, Don <Don.Bruce@ENRON.com<; Clark, Scott <Scott.Clark@E=
NRON.com<; Crowl, Ken <Ken.Crowl@ENRON.com<; Crump, Michael <Michael.Crump@=
ENRON.com<; Cunningham, Cutty <Cutty.Cunningham@ENRON.com<; Eisenstein, Arn=
old L. <Arnold.L.Eisenstein@ENRON.com<; Fuentes, Mike <Mike.Fuentes@ENRON.c=
om<; Fuhrer, Paul <Paul.Fuhrer@ENRON.com<; Gaines, David <David.Gaines@ENRO=
N.com<; Gilbert, Tom <Tom.Gilbert@ENRON.com<; Gottsponer, Morgan <Morgan.Go=
ttsponer@ENRON.com<; Johnson, David L. <David.L.Johnson@ENRON.com<; Jolly, =
Rich <Rich.Jolly@ENRON.com<; Kendrick, William <William.Kendrick@ENRON.com<=
; Lebeau, Randy <Randy.LeBeau@ENRON.com<; Maestas, Gary <Gary.Maestas@ENRON=
.com<; Mathews, Greg <Greg.Mathews@ENRON.com<; McGee, Johnny <Johnny.McGee@=
ENRON.com<; McGillivray, RR <RR.McGillivray@ENRON.com<; Mertz, Tom <Tom.Mer=
tz@ENRON.com<; Odneal, Dave <Dave.Odneal@ENRON.com<; Osburn, Frank <Frank.O=
sburn@ENRON.com<; Smith, Mike L. <Mike.L.Smith@ENRON.com<; Smith, Sarabeth =
<Sarabeth.Smith@ENRON.com<; Spalding, Norm <Norm.Spalding@ENRON.com<; Steph=
ens, LD <LD.Stephens@ENRON.com<; Teal, Mike <Mike.Teal@ENRON.com<; Thompson=
, Charlie <Charlie.Thompson@ENRON.com<; Weatherford, Allan <Allan.Weatherfo=
rd@ENRON.com<; Alder, Amelia <Amelia.Alder@ENRON.com<; Craig, Rick <Rick.Cr=
aig@ENRON.com<; Hawkins, Don <Don.Hawkins@ENRON.com<; Keller, John R. <John=
.R.Keller@ENRON.com<; Martin, Jerry D. <jerry.d.martin@enron.com<; Nelson, =
Mike <Michel.Nelson@ENRON.com<; Pribble, Dan <Dan.Pribble@ENRON.com<; Rahn,=
Nick <Nick.Rahn@ENRON.com<; Rice, Randy <Randy.Rice@ENRON.com<; Shafer, Jo=
hn <John.Shafer@ENRON.com<
CC: Brassfield, Morris <Morris.Brassfield@ENRON.com<; Sublet, Cheri <Cheri.=
Sublet@ENRON.com<; Johnson, Mary Ann <MaryAnn.Johnson@ENRON.com<
Sent: Wed Dec 26 20:41:22 2001
Subject: Morris' Mothers' Passing

Morris advised his mother passed away on Christmas Day. The funeral will b=
e held in Cushing, Oklahoma on Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 1:00 PM. The=
funeral will be held at the Harrell Cemetery under the direction of Davis =
Funeral Home 402 E. Broadway Cushing, Oklahoma 74023. Minister David Brass=
field will be officiating.

I will send an arrangement from Enron. Listed below is the funeral home a=
nd two florists in Cushing. I know Morris would appreciate your thoughts a=
nd prayers. =20


Bruce Martin

Davis Funeral Home
402 E Broadway St. Cushing, OK. 74023
(918) 225-3103
Vineyard Floral & Gifts
1226 E Main St. Cushing, OK. 74023
(918) 225-7007

Heritage Florist
1122 E Main St. Cushing, OK. 74023
(918) 225-0800