Enron Mail

To:peggy.menchaca@enron.com, molly.sample@enron.com
Subject:RE: Corporate Secretary Replacement
Date:Fri, 9 Nov 2001 09:11:21 -0800 (PST)

We will miss you also. Glad we had you for the time we did. See you at th=
e Board meeting.

-----Original Message-----
From: Menchaca, Peggy=20
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 7:25 PM
To: Horton, Stanley; Sample, Molly
Subject: Corporate Secretary Replacement

As you guys probably know, I will be officially retired on January 1, 2002;=
therefore, the meeting on November 12th will be my last and a good time to=
elect my successor. Thanks for letting me continue as your corporate secr=
etary after stepping down from that position at Enron. I don't think I cou=
ld have let go "cold turkey," and I loved EOTT because of my fondness for t=
he directors and most of the management. (I'll reserve comments on some me=
mbers of management who are no longer with us.) I have really enjoyed it s=
ince Stan-the-Man got involved, and the morale and operating results show h=
ow positive that was for the company. I have also been a long time admirer=
of Good-Golly-Miss-Molly and loved working with Walt Zimmerman. So, it is=
my hope and sincere recommendation that Walt be selected to succeed me. H=
e has demonstrated repeatedly that he is capable of doing the job -- in fac=
t, he has been doing the job for a long time, all except the actual taking =
of the minutes, and he has relieved me of that duty on more than one occasi=
on. He's a person of integrity, loyalty, and dedication, and I know the Di=
rectors like him. I hope you two agree.
I'll miss you guys, and Mollie, I'd love to have lunch with you and Walt an=
ytime. I'll also be available for any help and advice that I can give.
Thanks again.
Much love, Peggy Sue