Enron Mail

Subject:RE: EGS Newsletter
Date:Thu, 1 Nov 2001 10:35:20 -0800 (PST)

How much does putting out the newsletter cost? How often are you proposing to put it out? Does it replace any other newsletters? Is there any new information in the newsletter or just restatements of what Ken, Mark and Greg have already said? Need to make sure we have included Brian Stanley's group in what constitutes EGS. Especially NEPCO.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ambler, John
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 11:24 AM
To: Horton, Stanley
Cc: Stark, Cindy
Subject: EGS Newsletter


With the formation of EGS, as well as all of the recent activity affecting the company, we feel that it is important to initiate an EGS newsletter to keep employees informed and motivated. The most cost-effective and timely way of doing this is through e-mail, backed up with an intranet version and hard copies (in most cases printed off locally) for those employees who do not have PCs. The newsletter would supplement other communication channels, such as messages from you, eSpeak, floor meetings, site visits, your periodic meetings and normal management communication.

We would like to see how much news and interest we have before making a final determination, but would expect this newsletter to go out once or twice a month. In addition to English, we intend to provide Spanish and Portuguese versions. We will work to assist local management if they feel that other languages are needed for their operations.

Attached for your review is the proposed text for the first edition. We believe a message from you and summary of the business units/operations in EGS is the appropriate content for the first edition. In future editions we would expect to also cover business developments and news of interest to employees. A template of our proposed design for the newsletter is also attached. Any comments on the text or concept, as well as your approval to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Of course, I am available at your convenience if you want to discuss this.

Thank you,


<< File: EGS Chairman's Letter.doc << << File: EGS Asset List.doc << << File: newsletter template.doc <<