Enron Mail

To:shelley.corman@enron.com, rod.hayslett@enron.com
Subject:RE: Floor Space Announcement
Date:Wed, 7 Nov 2001 15:12:04 -0800 (PST)

Calm down. The operative word is it has been put on hold. These are not normal times. No one saw this coming or we could have planned better. Give us a few days to figure everything out. We just made the decision today to preserve cash while we were waiting to see what was going to happen. Thanks for your cooperation which I desperately need right now.

-----Original Message-----
From: Corman, Shelley
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 4:07 PM
To: Hayslett, Rod
Cc: Horton, Stanley; McCarty, Danny
Subject: Floor Space Announcement

I was very disappointed to not have any advance warning about the announcement that construction on 41 has been put on hold for financial reasons.

The Gas Logistics team was "relocated" off the 41st floor on October 5. Prior to the move, we had a very efficient, open configuration that let us work together as a unified team.

After the move, we are located on 3 different floors. Besides the general impact on team unity, this move also means that our evening staff work alone on separate floors, rather than in a group. It means fewer individuals to cover customer calls. It means having more equipment to cover the day to day business. I have worked hard to calm the team that this arrangement is just temporary and that we will eventually be put back together as a team.

Prior to our move I constantly questioned whether our move was necessary. I asked about smaller, more practical changes to fit more people on the floor. And, I specifically asked about whether Enron issues might impact the groups desire to continue to spend $7-$10 million -- even as I reluctantly packed up my boxes.

I hope you can appreciate that the current seating arrangement is a serious issue for my team and one that generates constant questions as my staff meetings. Finding out that we moved off of 41 for no reason at an all-employee floor meeting undermines my team's faith in my leadership.