Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Guam Information
Date:Tue, 27 Nov 2001 15:06:32 -0800 (PST)

You have my permission to just refer them to Jeff Donahue. Jeff is in the process of naming individuals to assist in the disposition of our international assets. Corporate development, EGAS and investment bankers will collectively pursue the disposition. I woould think Dr. Boyce should be so advised of the process we are going to use. Jeff or his designee can deliver this message if you would like.

Jeff, I assume this is the right approach given our converstion.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mahan, Mariella
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 7:57 PM
To: Hughes, James A.; Horton, Stanley
Cc: Jernigan, Steve
Subject: FW: Guam Information

See below; this is simply further illustration of the problems we will continue to have with this gentleman. He has simply received royal treatment in terms of the expediency with which information has been provided to him. I have met with him twice already and have spoken to him on the phone at least three times. Clearly, based on the email below he is trying to line up investors to do this deal. You know what my recommendation on this is; I have simply wanted to take a very courteous and responsive approach on this out of respect for the relationship.

Let me know how your mtg with Corp Development went.

Thanks! Mariella
ps: fyi - after fulfilling his round of requests (which came up on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving) I asked if he could please focus on: how to deal with the backstop guarantees that ENE has in the deal and a financing plan (I politely told him we were looking at an all-cash transaction).

-----Original Message-----
From: Jernigan, Steve
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 7:05 PM
To: Mahan, Mariella
Subject: FW: Guam Information

I sent this at 6:30 and I just resent - we have to get rid of them

-----Original Message-----
From: "Dr.Meherwan.P.Boyce P.E." <boyceturbopower@attglobal.net<@ENRON
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 7:01 PM
To: Jernigan, Steve
Cc: Jeff Donahue
Subject: RE: Guam Information

We have still not received the information. I cannot understand why the
same information released to the other parties cannot be released to us. I
have a number of investors scheduled for a meeting Tuesday morning at 9:00
am, and am very disappointed that I do not have the information as of 7:00pm

With best regards,

Dr. Meherwan P. Boyce P.E.
The Boyce Consultancy
2121 Kirby Drive
Houston, TX. 77019

Phone: 713-807-0888
Fax: 713-807-0088
Phone Mobile USA: 713-306-9776
Phone Mobile Europe & Asia: 44-467-206-600
E-Mail: boyceturbopower@attglobal.net
Web Site: www.boyceconsultancy.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve.Jernigan@enron.com [mailto:Steve.Jernigan@enron.com]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:48 AM
To: boyceturbopower@attglobal.net
Subject: RE: Guam Information

Dr Boyce -

I need to follow up with our Guam office this afternoon before I release
the information. I will be in contact with them at approx 4 pm today and
will send the information following that conversation.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Dr.Meherwan.P.Boyce P.E." <boyceturbopower@attglobal.net<@ENRON
Sent: Mon 11/26/2001 10:13 AM
To: Jernigan, Steve
Subject: RE: Guam Information

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