Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Organizational Items
Date:Fri, 9 Nov 2001 09:41:11 -0800 (PST)

Thanks. I have heard from just about all of Steve's reports about retainin=
g him. Steve was given the choice to stay at ETS. He made the choice that=
was in his and Enron's best interest. Steve is a quality individual and a=
n exceptional leader. His talents need to be showcased and I think he unde=
rstood that. I appreciate your comments on Steve's replacement. We have f=
inished the interviewing process and will make a choice in the next couple =
of weeks or sooner. Your recommendation is appreciated. Thanks again for =
the kind words.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Sawyer, Lisa =20
Sent:=09Friday, November 09, 2001 11:35 AM
To:=09Horton, Stanley
Subject:=09Organizational Items

I know that you are overloaded with all the company issues, but I just want=
ed to relay a few thoughts. First of all, thank you for the words of encou=
ragement and confidence at your floor meeting. This is a very difficult ti=
me for all of us, but you especially have a big burden. Your openness, hon=
esty and confidence was very reassuring. Other thoughts on my mind are jus=
t concerns about Steve Hotte leaving the organization given all the other c=
hanges. Would it be possible for you to ask Steve to stay given the curren=
t situation? I would think he would be very concerned about his change mov=
ing into ENA right now. He might reconsider a move if you discuss it with =
him. Finally, if it is best for him to move on, I feel it is extremely imp=
ortant to have someone in that job that understands our business. I think =
Steve's business knowledge and ability to work closely with the Commercial =
group is what has made him so effective. The Technology group's greatest c=
hallenge is never technology itself, but rather understanding the business =
so that technology can be appropriately applied. I am aware that Brad Holm=
es is on the short list and just want to say that I have been very impresse=
d with him. He has very good knowledge of our business and has good techni=
cal savvy. He has developed a very good working relationship with the IT o=
rganization and I have enjoyed working with him. I would feel very good wi=
th him in that position if we have to loose Steve. I understand there are =
several other candidates to consider and that this will be a difficult deci=
sion. I will certainly support and respect whatever decision you make. Th=
anks for listening and I'll keep you in my prayers for strength as we work =
through the toughest days that we have ever faced as Enron employees.