Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Reflections and Feedback
Date:Thu, 15 Nov 2001 05:44:37 -0800 (PST)

Thank you Rick. Those were very kind words. Everything will turn out ok. =
I believe that.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Craig, Rick =20
Sent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 5:57 AM
To:=09Horton, Stanley
Subject:=09Reflections and Feedback

Stan, I know you have a lot going on right now and probably don't need more=
emails that seem to be coming from off the wall but I felt the need to exp=
ress some of my thoughts about what's going on right now and I hope you wil=
l take just a minute to listen. As you get older, you seem to reflect more=
on things that are happening around you and how it affects you and those a=
round you. Some might perceive this message as "sucking up" or "jockeying =
for position" but nothing could be farther from the truth. This one is fro=
m the heart. =20

First, I want to say that I believe that many of us in the pipelines have t=
aken for granted over the years the kind and quality of leadership that we =
have had. I want to thank you for being the kind of leader that you have b=
een, one that's honest, straight forward, tells it like it is and yet will =
make the tough calls when they need to be made, but always in the interest =
of the company, the employees and its shareholders. I've been fortunate to=
be able to work with you over the last ten or so years and know that you h=
ave lived the Enron values. Had others run their business units the way yo=
u have run the pipes, I truly belive that we would not be where we are at t=
oday. Thank you for being the kind of leader you are. I for one appreciate=
it. =20

For those of us that have poured our hearts and souls into this company for=
most of our life, these are tough times and I know that you can certainly =
relate to that. And while my financial well being and security has certain=
ly been impacted, there are others out there far worse off than me and I ac=
tually feel like I am truly blessed. Blessed to have been a part of such a=
great company, blessed to work with the kind of people that have made this=
company what it is and blessed to have the opportunity to rebuild a new an=
d even better company. There are things in life much more important than m=
oney, family (grandsons), life, challenges in your work, health and happine=
ss. I don't know what the future holds for me or the company, I just know =
it's part of a much bigger plan that I can't control. I also know that we =
can't look back. What's done is done and it happend for a reason. What we=
have to do is move on. If there's a meaningful role for me as we go forw=
ard, I will approach it with the same commitment, dedication and enthusiasm=
that I have any job I have had. If there's not, I'm at peace with that to=
o. The success of this company, past, present and future will always be in=
our people. Thanks for the time and thanks for the leadership you have pr=
ovided ETS all these years. =20

WOW, does this sound depressing or what? It's really not meant to be. I h=
ave a great attititude about what the future holds. Have a great day.