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Welcome to the ACT! eNews brought to you by Interact
Commerce Corporation, the makers of ACT!. This free newsletter is published to provide you with tips and tricks on ACT! as well as news and other information about ACT!. As always, if you have any feedback regarding this newsletter, please send it via e-mail to comments@act.com. If you have technical support questions, please visit http://support.act.com or call 1-800-927-3989. We will be sending out this free newsletter monthly, and we hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to forward it to your friends and coworkers, or let them know that they can sign up at http://www.act.com/enews. If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please follow the instructions at the end of this message to UNSUBSCRIBE. The information contained in this newsletter applies to ACT! customers in North America. ********************************** Featured This Month * Access Your ACT! Information on the Web http://www.act.com/webaccess * Official ACT! QuickStudy Guide ? Coming Soon! http://www.act.com/quickstudy * How to Make Your Calendar Display Upon Startup http://www.actnews.com * How to Easily Create More E-mail Fields http://www.theactbuzz.com/act_quiktrix_0114.asp * How to Use ACT! WebAccess http://www.actextra.com/webaccess.asp * How to Preview Reports Automatically http://www.actnews.com * ACT! QuickSurvey ? Mailing Services https://websurveyor.net/wsb.dll/7911/pmail.htm * New ACT! Reporting Package - Special Offer http://www.pinpointtools.com/products/crystalball.htm *********************************** Access Your ACT! Information on the Web We have heard from so many ACT! customers that need access to their ACT! information via the web.? In response, we?re happy to announce that your workgroup can now do just that!? Through a partnership with WiredContact, ACT! WebAccess is now available to every ACT! user and gives you and your workgroup real-time access to your database through the web. The software is loaded on your company?s web server so your team?s ACT! data is protected inside your firewall but accessible from any web browser.? To learn more or purchase ACT! WebAccess, please call 1-888-855-5222 or view the interactive demo at: http://www.act.com/webaccess *********************************** Official ACT! QuickStudy Guide ? Coming Soon! As an ACT! eNews reader, we do our best to give you early notice of all that is new with ACT!. This month, we wanted to let you know about something that so many of you have asked for ? an easy way to learn even more about ACT!. Now, with the new Official ACT! QuickStudy Guide, you can master ACT! on your own time, at your own pace - without leaving your desk! The Official ACT! QuickStudy Guide includes more than 100 self-paced lessons covering basic to advanced functions making it perfect for individuals, small businesses, and corporate workgroups. It?s guaranteed to save you time and make you more productive with ACT! ? and with a special early-bird, pre-order price of only $34.95 ($15 off) valid until February 28, 2002, you?ll recover your investment with the first lesson. For more information, please visit: http://www.act.com/quickstudy *********************************** How to Make Your Calendar Display upon ACT! Startup by Jeffrey Mayer Have you ever wanted to view your daily calendar right when you start ACT! instead of looking at your contacts first? You can do this easily by writing a macro that opens the daily calendar, and then automatically running the macro each time you start ACT!. This is how you do it: 1. Press Alt+F5 to open the Record Macro dialog box. 2. Name your macro and give it a description, i.e. Daily Calendar. 3. In the Record Events field, select the Record Everything Except Mouse Events option. 4. Click Record to start recording your Macro. 5. Press Shift+F5 to open the Daily Calendar. 6. Press Alt+F5 to stop the recording of your macro. To run your Daily Calendar macro when you start ACT!, do the following: 1. Choose Preferences from the Edit menu, and click on the Startup tab. 2. Click the Browse button in the Run Macro On Startup section. 3. Select Daily Calendar from the list of macros. If you don't see Daily Calendar in the list of macros, you may need to navigate to it depending on where you installed ACT!. For example, your macros may be stored at c:/programfiles/act/macros. 4. Click OK to save your new preferences. When you restart ACT!, your daily calendar will now display automatically! This tip was provided by ACT! guru Jeffrey Mayer, whose newest ACT! eBook is "Growing Your Business With ACT!." Jeff's other ACT! & Business eBooks include "Customizing Your ACT! Database," "Getting Organized With SideACT!,""ACT! Power User Tips" and "Opening Doors with a Brilliant Elevator Speech." Click here to order and download, or subscribe to his free ACT! newsletter at: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/aftrack.asp?AFID=19297 *********************************** How to Easily Create More E-mail fields from The ACT! buzz How many e-mail addresses do you have? Based on the number of readers telling us about their new e-mail addresses, we?d guess most of you and your contacts have more than one. Now, ACT! does allow you to enter multiple e-mail addresses for a contact in the e-mail field, but the process to use an e-mail other than the default is cumbersome. Those of you experienced with adding or defining fields in ACT! have noticed that there is not a field type called e-mail that you can use to modify an existing field or to create new. Fortunately there is a simple solution. It?s a fairly long story so instead of including it all here, please view the complete article at: http://www.theactbuzz.com/act_quiktrix_0114.asp If you?d like to read more tips or receive free e-newsletter tips from the ACT! buzz, please visit: http://www.theactbuzz.com *********************************** How to Use ACT! WebAccess from ACT! Extra One of the challenges that confronts ACT! as a product is distributing the company database information to sales reps that are geographically distant. ACT!?s answer has been synchronization and when properly configured and maintained, it works. But, not every remote ACT! user needs synchronization. That is, if the remote user does not need to have an ACT! database saved on their hardware and does have a connection to the web, ACT! WebAccess may be a better solution. Or, if you are a company that needs a more detailed and robust level of security on a per user basis, WebAccess? is the answer. Or, and this is the really cool part of this product, if you have a web enabled phone, you can access your ACT! database in real time, via your handset! To read the full article, please visit: http://www.actextra.com/webaccess.asp ACT! Extra is a brand new web site designed specifically for ACT! users. ACT! Extra provides online tips, techniques, and product reviews, as well as a printed monthly newsletter. For more information on ACT! Extra, please visit: http://www.actextra.com *********************************** How to Preview ACT! Reports Automatically by Jeffrey Mayer Many ACT! users like to preview their reports on-screen before they print them to paper. However, by default, ACT! prints each report you create. As an alternative to changing the Send Output To "Preview" each time you create your report, you can go into the report itself and modify the Default Output setting. This is how you do it: 1. Choose Edit Report Template from the Reports menu. 2. Choose your report from the displayed list. 3. Choose Define Filters from the Edit menu to display the Define Filters dialog box. 4. Select Preview from the Send output to drop-down list. 5. Click OK. 6. Then choose Close from the File menu, and Yes to save your changes. Each time you run your report, you will be able to preview it prior to printing. This tip was provided by ACT! guru Jeffrey Mayer. To receive Jeff's FREE ACT! newsletter, please visit: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/aftrack.asp?AFID=20389 *********************************** ACT! QuickSurvey ? Mailing Services If you?re interested in sending postal mail with the ease and personalization of e-mail ? integrated with ACT!, please take the survey below to provide your feedback on a postal mailing service: https://websurveyor.net/wsb.dll/7911/pmail.htm *********************************** New ACT! Reporting Package ? Special eNews Offer! There's a great new product for reporting that we wanted you to know about. It's called Crystal Ball Reports for ACT! and the folks at pinpoint tools are making a special, one-time offer on it to ACT! eNews readers. Instead of $249, it is only $99.00 until February 28. Get real business intelligence by analyzing ACT!'s History file. Drill down on charts and graphs to detail where your referrals and leads came from. See clearly what opportunities are in your pipeline. Analyze how many Calls were Completed, or Meetings were Held. Find out the frequency of when new contacts were entered, and much much more. This package can start you on the road to real "data mining" from your ACT! database. To learn more or purchase Crystal Ball Reports for ACT!, please visit: http://www.pinpointtools.com/products/crystalball.htm *********************************** We hope you enjoyed this issue. Please send your feedback on this newsletter to: comments@act.com. For customer service or technical questions regarding ACT! 2000, ACT! Link 2.0 or ACT! Link for QuickBooks, please visit the ACT! Service and Support page at: http://support.act.com. If you wish to be removed from the e-News mailing list, please reply to this message with REMOVE in the Subject line. All the best, The ACT! Team?? Privacy Notification This message is being sent to you by Interact Commerce Corporation, the makers of ACT!. Interact Commerce Corporation respects your desire for privacy. You are being contacted as a result of a previous interest you expressed in ACT!. If you do not wish to receive this newsletter on a monthly basis, please reply to: ACTeNews@act.com with REMOVE in the subject line. mailto:ACTeNews@act.com?subject=remove ______________________________________________________________________ You are receiving this email because you requested to receive info and updates via email. 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