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Welcome to the ACT! eNews brought to you by Interact Commerce Corporation,
the makers of ACT!. This free newsletter is published to provide you with tips and tricks on ACT! as well as news and other information about ACT!. As always, if you have any feedback regarding this newsletter, please send it via e-mail to comments@act.com. If you have technical support questions, please visit http://support.act.com or call 1-800-927-3989. We will be sending out this free newsletter monthly, and we hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to forward it to your friends and coworkers, or let them know that they can sign up at http://www.act.com/enews. If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please follow the instructions at the end of this message to UNSUBSCRIBE. The information contained in this newsletter applies to ACT! customers in North America. ********************************** Featured This Month * Free Update to ACT! 5.0.4 Now Available http://support.act.com/act_support/act2000/updates/ * Categorizing Your Contacts http://www.actnews.com * Scheduling Recurring Activities http://www.actnews.com * Database to Database Synchronization http://www.theactbuzz.com * Top Tricks for November Submit a tip at: mailto:comments@act.com * Are You an ACT! Fanatic ? Let Us Know! http://www.act.com/actfanatic * New ACT! Solution for HTML e-mail http://www.act.com/fortuneflow * ACT! Solution for Real Estate http://www.act.com/realestate * Make Money Referring Users to ACT! http://www.act.com/affiliate *********************************** Free Update to ACT! 5.0.4 Now Available There is a free update for ACT! 2000 now available for you to download. If you use ACT! 2000 and Microsoft Office XP or Windows XP, you will want to get the ACT! 5.0.4 Update. It fixes ACT! compatibility issues between Microsoft Word 2002 and Outlook 2002, and also makes ACT! fully compatible with Windows XP. To get the free update via the ACT! Update feature, please choose Check for Updates from the ACT! Help menu. Or if you?d prefer to download and install the 5.0.4 Update yourself, please visit: http://support.act.com/act_support/act2000/updates/ *********************************** Categorizing Your Contact Records by Jeffrey Mayer When you have different categories of contacts, i.e. prospects, clients, family & friends, and others, it's best to keep them in the same database. This ensures that you will be able to find your contacts and that your calendar and things to-do list will be current and up to date. ACT!'s ID/Status field is designed to help you identify, or categorize, each contact in your database. Always enter an ID/Status category. When you need to find all your 'prospects' for example, just select Lookup, ID/Status. When you have a need for further categorization of your contacts, use ACT!'s Groups feature. (Press F10 to open the Groups window.) ACT!'s Group Rules feature enables you to automatically add contact records to specific Groups based upon the information that is entered in selected ACT! fields. ACT!'s Group Rules feature can be found by selecting Group, Group Membership, Define Rules from within the Groups window. This tip was provided by Jeffrey Mayer. To order and download Jeff's new ACT! & Business eBooks "Customizing Your ACT! Database", "ACT! Power User Tips" and Selling In Tough Times" please visit: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/aftrack.asp?AFID=19297. *********************************** Scheduling Recurring Activities by Jeffrey Mayer When you have regularly scheduled business meetings, or outside activities, use ACT!'s Recurring Activity feature to schedule those activities. This is done by clicking the Recurring Setting tab in the Schedule Activity dialog box. If, for example, you were to have a regular meeting on the second & fourth Tuesday of each month, you could schedule this meeting as a recurring meeting. From the Recurring Settings tab, do the following: 1. Select Monthly as your frequency. 2. Select Second and Fourth as the weeks you want this activity to repeat on. 3. Select Tuesday as the day of the week. 4. Click OK and ACT! schedules this meeting for the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. This tip was provided by Jeffrey Mayer. To receive FREE ACT! e-mail tips or read free ACT! articles, please visit: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/aftrack.asp?AFID=20389. *********************************** Database to Database Synchronization by Douglas Wolf One of the challenges that face ACT! users is mobility. If you are a salesperson working at an office and you would also like to be diligently working at home in the evening or on weekends, you have to setup some sort of synchronization process. The question is which process will work best to accomplish the synchronization easily and reliably. If you have a laptop computer that you can bring to the office and connect to the network or directly to a desktop computer, the best way is database to database synchronization. This version of synchronization works between two databases only. That means you cannot sync database A with database B and database C. The process is to sync between the laptop and the network before leaving for home and then synch again when returning to the office. So, you have to understand that you have 2 databases to keep up to date: the one on your laptop computer and the office database. There are quite a few steps required in order to do this, so please click on the link below so you can print out the entire article with step by step instructions. For the complete article on Database to Database Synchronization by Douglas Wolf, please visit: http://www.theactbuzz.com/db2db.asp. *********************************** Top Tricks for November by Real ACT! Users Last month we asked you to send in your favorite ACT! tips and tricks. There were some great ones, and we?ve included a few here. We tested these all and they worked for us. We hope you?ll give some of them a try. And if you have a tip or trick to share, let us know by sending your tip in e-mail to comments@act.com. These tips are in the writer?s original words and have not been edited. Enjoy! 1. Clearing Many Alarms at Once by Rose D. in Seattle, WA ?I tried this today and since it worked I thought I'd tell you. ?We set alarms on our task listwhich contains dozens of call to make a day. The alarms pop up, sometimes 5-6-7 at a time. ?Today, on the display of ringing alarms, I clicked "select all" and then "go to." A "Look Up" was created of the contacts with alarms ringing. ?I then clicked "Clear Alarm" and the alarms on all these tasks were cleared. This saves a lot of steps.? 2. Looking Up Contacts Chronologically by Douglas B. in Miami, FL ?I've found that the easiest way to look someone up is by their last name(Alt LL). Have you ever tried to find a contact when you can't recall their name? How about when you also can't remember which day you met? Years ago I would log everyone I met into a notebook, so I had a chronological list of the people I'd met. It's amazing, but ACT! does not allow you to create a chronological sort (sorting on the "create date" field is prohibited). Here's a useful workaround for this deficiency: 1. Create a new field (mine is named "create date b") 2. Set the field as "required" and "date format", then make sure it is a tab stop. Every time you create a new record, you will be forced to enter the date in your new create date b field. This is a minor inconvenience when you consider that you will now be able to sort lookups by create date b. 3. Just tap F8, right click on the column label and tap "add columns to view" to add the new field to your list view. 4. Now tapping at the top of this column will sort your contacts by create date. This may improve your follow-up by allowing you to see your contacts in the order they were created. It will also allow you to figure out the name of "that guy you met last week".? If you have your own ACT! Tricks for us to include next month, let us know by e-mailing us at: mailto:comments@act.com *********************************** Are You an ACT! Fanatic ? Let Us Know! We?d love to hear more about how you use ACT! to build your business, manage your relationships, sell more, and stay ahead of the competition. Your story may be posted to the ACT! web site so other ACT! users and potential ACT! users can read about all the ways that ACT! helps you in your daily business. If you?d like to tell us why you?re an ACT! Fanatic, please visit: http://www.act.com/actfanatic *********************************** New ACT! Solution for HTML e-mail We?ve talked about a few HTML e-mail packages for ACT! in previous newsletters, and we?d like you to know about this one too. It?s called FortuneFlow HTML, and it lets you send completely personalized HTML e-mail to a single contact or thousands - from your ACT! database. Create your standard letterhead template with any HTML Editor, and FortuneFlow HTML Edition will spell check your message, merge it into your template, and send it to your ACT! Lookup. We?ve tested it, and it works like a charm. It?s not a service like some others so you can just buy the software and send as many HTML e-mails as you want without additional fees. To learn more about FortuneFlow HTML and other ACT! Solutions, please visit: http://www.act.com/fortuneflow *********************************** ACT! Solution for Real Estate If you?re in the real estate business, you?ll want to check out this ACT! Solution designed specifically for the Residential Real Estate industry. Trans/ACT! Residential offers a complete system for marketing your services to home owners and buyers. You get tools that work with ACT! to manage all your listings and sales including the Auto Scheduler, Letter Manager, QuickEntry, QuickPhoto, and much more. It?s everything you need to automate your residential brokerage business. For more information or to download Trans/ACT!, please visit: http://www.act.com/realestate *********************************** Make Money Referring Users to ACT! We have a new program designed for those of you who refer your friends and associates to ACT! frequently. Now you can start earning 8% from each sale by joining the new ACT! Affiliate Program. Click on the link below to sign up for free Affiliate program. Then, you can put links on your web site or in emails that contain your unique Affiliate code. When your friends click on that link and order ACT! online, you will be credited with 8% of the sale. For example, if your friend buys ACT! online, you?ll earn $15.99 ? not bad! You can even check an online report daily to see how much you are owed. The ACT! Affiliate Program is a small way for us to reward ACT! users, like you, who help keep ACT! the best-selling contact manager. For more information, please visit: http://www.act.com/affiliate *********************************** We hope you enjoyed this issue. Please send your feedback on this newsletter to: comments@act.com. For customer service or technical questions regarding ACT! 2000 and the ACT! Link 2.0, please visit the ACT! Service and Support page at: http://support.act.com. If you wish to be removed from the e-News mailing list, please reply to this message with REMOVE in the Subject line. All the best, The ACT! Team?? 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