Enron Mail

To:carr.kim@enron.com, kevin.hyatt@enron.com, dockens.keith@enron.com,w.michelle@enron.com, leavy.michael@enron.com, leavy.steve@enron.com, majak.lydia@enron.com, brasch.mark@enron.com, jackson.matthew@enron.com, bock.marian@enron.com, dockens.meagan@e
Subject:Fw: Fw: Ain't that the Truth !!!
Date:Thu, 10 Jan 2002 13:59:47 -0800 (PST)

----- Original Message -----
From: stanley czajkowski
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 4:39 PM
To: BJLord2@aol.com; cahemming@hotmail.com; cardiac734@aol.com; cardiactech@adelphia.net; cmarsh3892@aol.com; comet91000@worldnet.att.net; cwalker@borg.com; dwestwood@erols.com; emsequalnolife@aol.com; found@monumental.com; haasdc@borg.com; haasmb@netscape.net; jons_stang@yahoo.com; jwalsh@medicorpihn.com; katwilliams@juno.com; kesterl@hoffman.army.mil; kidd108@attbi.com; ladybee108@webtv.net; Larry.Gordon@usmc-mccs.org; maniac_8@hotmail.com; okfine66@aol.com; pd4byot@aol.com; pita651@aol.com; ralph.walters@gsa.gov; s-t-a-k@msn.com; shedrick@erols.com; tina_leavy@msn.com; welsh@ibb.gov; Wollimat1@cs.com
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Ain't that the Truth !!!

<From: "Ron Davies" <rdavies@twcny.rr.com<
<To: "Ann Marie Santulli" <shelzsea@aol.com<, "BARBARA JOHNSON"
<<bears4barb@hotmail.com<, "Walt Hanson" <dwh3@hotmail.com<, "Tom Flynn"
<<tpflynn@webtv.net<, "Stanley Czajikowski" <sjplus5@hotmail.com<
<Subject: Fw: Ain't that the Truth !!!
<Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 16:31:21 -0500
<Subject: Ain't that the Truth !!!
< <
< < Senior citizens are constantly being criticized for every conceivable
< < deficiency of the modern world, real or imaginary. We know we take
< < responsibility for all we have done and do not blame others.
< <
< < BUT, upon reflection, we would like to point out that it was NOT the
< < citizens who took:
< <
< < The melody out of music,
< <
< < The pride out of appearance,
< <
< < The romance out of love,
< <
< < The commitment out of marriage,
< <
< < The responsibility out of parenthood,
< <
< < The togetherness out of the family,
< <
< < The learning out of education,
< <
< < The service out of patriotism,
< <
< < The religion out of school,
< <
< < The Golden Rule from rulers,
< <
< < The nativity scene out of cities,
< <
< < The civility out of behavior,
< <
< < The refinement out of language,
< <
< < The dedication out of employment,
< <
< < The prudence out of spending, or
< <
< < The ambition out of achievement.
< <
< < And we certainly are NOT the ones who eliminated patience and tolerance
< < personal relationships and interactions with others!!
< <
< < Does anyone under the age of 50 know the lyrics to the Star Spangled
< <
< < Just look at those old folks with tears in their eyes and pride in their
< < hearts as they stand at attention with their hand over their hearts!
< <
< < And, unless many of our younger generation learn to count, in the
< < computers and calculators, they will be back to counting on fingers and
< <
< < Remember.......Inside every older person is a younger person wondering
< < the hell happened.
< <
< <

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