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Enron Mail |
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: Lmfoust@aol.com X-To: ABerdy@aol.com, arthur.goldsmith@att.net, acooper2@columbus.rr.com, darango@houston.rr.com, djoraholmen@houston.rr.com, Judy Dyess <jdyess@houston.rr.com<, eufard.cooper@att.net, khyatt@enron.com, indyandy06 <indyandy06@msn.com<, IronGator@aol.com, kwangenheim@houston.rr.com, johnstonp@houston.rr.com, David Marquardt <DMARQUARDT@prodigy.net<, Robert Massey <massey.r@worldnet.att.net<, Ron Michalski <RonMichalski@msn.com<, jpoxer@houston.rr.com, pdalessandro64@hotmail.com, dsaucier@columbus.rr.com, fshort@houston.rr.com, Steveswerd@aol.com, wtruxillo@hotmail.com, tsundel@houston.rr.com, Nan Whatley <newhatley@earthlink.net<, gfoust@adelphia.net, jfoust@adelphia.net, hmathews@houston.rr.com X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Kevin_Hyatt_Mar2002\Hyatt, Kevin\Deleted Items X-Origin: Hyatt-K X-FileName: khyatt (Non-Privileged).pst Ludicrous........please read the Washington Post article below. I plan to f= ax a letter to the editor. For all the negatives of the LJMs, Enron had man= y successes and our reputations should not get slammed because of the actio= ns of a handful of people! letters@washpost.com <mailto:letters@washpost.com<=20 Michelle --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <hmathews@houston.rr.com< To: Wayne Franklin <xraywhf@argolink.net<, Tracy Harris <wtharris@ev1.net<,= Joan Woodson <wood918@aol.com<, Tricia Esqueta <vtescueta@hotmail.com<, Ch= ristopher Daniel <usmcbrcn@aol.com<, Patti Ucci <UcciL@aol.com<, Tony Sprui= ell <tspruiel@midsouth.rr.com<, Don Miller <themiller@charter.net<, Susan R= ouse <susanrouse@msn.com<, Sheila Pardo <spardo@houston.rr.com<, Sean Hymes= <shymes@swbell.net<, Sam Zimmerman <samuel@cal.berkeley.edu<, Reggie Smith= (E-mail) <reggie_smith@hotmail.com<, rick dumonte <rdumonte@kingwoodcable.= com<, rodney beasley <rbeasleysprint8@earthlink.net<, Melvenia Pellerin <ra= ps_melpel@yahoo.com<, Rajesh Dhir (E-mail) <rajgeetatx@yahoo.com<, Quincy &= JO Baltrip <QJBMJB@CS.COM<, Pat Slaughter <patslaughter@houston.rr.com<, P= atrick Keelan <pat-keelan@msn.com<, Pam Benson <pambenson@msn.com<, Nancy M= . Simmons (E-mail) <nancy_m_simmons@yahoo.com<, Meg Wysetta <megw@kingwoodc= able.com<, Maricela Chavez <mchavez@ev1.net<, lou diamond <lou-diamond@engi= neer.com<, Michelle Foust <lmfoust@aol.com<, Leonard Dillehay <leonarddille= hay185@msn.com<, Gustavia Lee <leegustavia@hotmail.com<, Lissa Boatright (E= -mail) <lboatright@houston.rr.com<, Lisa Pederson <ldpedersen@hotmail.com<,= Kishore Joshi (E-mail) <kishoreajoshi@hotmail.com<, Keith DeVore <kcdevore= @yahoo.com<, Jeff White <jwhite19@houston.rr.com<, Frances Ortiz <jortiz3@h= ouston.rr.com<, Jacqueline M. Jackson <jjackson77033@yahoo.com<, Jackie Col= eman <jazi2001@yahoo.com<, Terry Oswald <irongator@aol.com<, Joel Anderson = <indyandy06@msn.com<, Georgia Schmidt <georgiab@mindspring.com<, Debora Whi= tehead <dwhitehead@houston.rr.com<, Andre Gibson <drewbgi@yahoo.com<, Chaun= Roberts <droberts7@houston.rr.com<, Digna Showers <dignashow@yahoo.com<, D= ebra DeForge <ddefforge@hotmail.com<, Dawn Brown <dawn-brown@houston.rr.com= <, Darin Meyerson <darin1998@yahoo.com<, Toby Roquemore <cmelton@houston.rr= .com<, Christie Bunting (E-mail) <clb1058@hotmail.com<, Chris Foley <cfoley= 1@houston.rr.com<, Brooks Wimberly <brookswimberly@usa.net<, Bob Hurt <bobh= urt66@hotmail.com<, Beverly Stone Jones <bstone_jones@hotmail.com<, Bertha = Owens <bowens@houston.rr.com<, Barrett Hall <Barrett95@aol.com<, Anzar Hasa= n <ahasan@houston.rr.com<, Angie Lorio <cajunmom1222@aol.com<, an doberneck= er <lrdjr3026@earthlink.net<, Amy Rios <aim_mers@hotmail.com< Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2002 2:04:36 GMT Subject:=20 This is ridiculous. If I have offended anyone with this e-mail just let me = know and I will discard your name from my address book. If not, please resp= ond to this reporter. Helen ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Kathy Benedict <mailto:benedict@kingwoodcable.com<=20 To: William Petty <mailto:howard@petty.com< ; Wendy Hiatt <mailto:whiatt@ho= uston.rr.com< ; Weindel, Patricia <mailto:Patricia_Weindel@mhhs.org< ; Wand= a Parker <mailto:walou@mymailstation.com< ; Trish Collins <mailto:pcollins2= @houston.rr.com< ; Tracy Williams <mailto:dwilliams17@houston.rr.com< ; Tom= Riley <mailto:triley9999@attbi.com< ; Tim Sundel <mailto:tsundel@houston.r= r.com< ; Susan Entmon <mailto:sentman@smith.alumnae.net< ; Stephen Burns <m= ailto:stephenburns@hotmail.com< ; Stephanie Kimble <mailto:sk-one@lycos.com= < ; Shirley Isbell <mailto:Sisbell2@houston.rr.com< ; shilpa kadakia <mailt= o:shilpakadakia@hotmail.com< ; Sheryl Stone <mailto:skSAT7hudson@AOL.com< ;= Sharon Strong <mailto:sstrong2@yahoo.com< ; Scott Wohlander <mailto:scott_= wohlander@yahoo.com< ; Scott Massey <mailto:massey.r@worldnet.att.net< ; Sa= ndy Verma <mailto:sverma1@ix.netcom.com< ; Ryan Frazier <mailto:mfrazier@ev= 1.net< ; Ruth Lancaster <mailto:Karlruth@AOL.com< ; Rosa Jaramillo <mailto:= rjaramil@mail.mdanderson.org< ; Roberto Martinez <mailto:robertomartinezjr@= hotmail.com< ; Richard Miller <mailto:RKMILLER9@AOL.com< ; Register, Andrea= <mailto:Andrea_Register@bmc.com< ; Rebekah Rushing <mailto:rushingmk@surfm= k.com< ; Rebecca Pickett <mailto:rpickett@houston.rr.com< ; Phyllis Anzalon= e <mailto:panzalone@houston.rr.com< ; Patty McLeod <mailto:pmcleod@nisource= .com< ; Pam Benson <mailto:pambenson@msn.com< ; nvtj@hotmail.com <mailto:nv= tj@hotmail.com< ; NicoleSc11@hotmail.com <mailto:NicoleSc11@hotmail.com< ; = Nicholas Jack <mailto:nvj@hotmail.com< ; Ms. Dan Ayers <mailto:DAyers2678@A= OL.com< ; Monique Shankle <mailto:mvshankle@hotmail.com< ; Mary Sullivan <m= ailto:msullivan@kingwoodcable.com< ; Mary Jo Johnson <mailto:mjohnson60@hou= ston.rr.com< ; Mark Reese <mailto:reesemark@hotmail.com< ; Mark Meigs <mail= to:mnmeigs@AOL.com< ; Maggie Valles <mailto:mvalles@houston.rr.com< ; Luis = Bravo <mailto:lohbr@yahoo.com< ; Louis Allen <mailto:louisallen42@hotmail.c= om< ; lmldjw@hotmail.com <mailto:lmldjw@hotmail.com< ; lino100@msn.com <mai= lto:lino100@msn.com< ; Kristin Harrelson <mailto:kharrelson@houston.rr.com<= ; Krista Kisch <mailto:KKisch8709@AOL.com< ; Kim & Mark Lerro <mailto:mler= ro@mindspring.com< ; Kendall Sprott <mailto:uniiv@AOL.com< ; Keith Halpin <= mailto:dhalpin@houston.rr.com< ; Karl Klicker <mailto:doxology@earthlink.ne= t< ; jose13580@yahoo.com <mailto:jose13580@yahoo.com< ; Johnny Ross <mailto= :Johnny.ross@enron.com< ; Johnnie Williams <mailto:jwmse@houston.rr.com< ; = John Carr <mailto:Runner3645@AOL.com< ; John Allario <mailto:JALLARIO@houst= on.rr.com< ; Jim Kuegle <mailto:Jkuegle@quixnet.net< ; Jill Hightower <mail= to:jhightower@keic.com< ; Jessie Patterson <mailto:jpatter47@hotmail.com< ;= Jennifer Rudolph <mailto:Rudolph01@AOL.com< ; Jeff Klotz <mailto:diogenes@= hal-pc.org< ; JanetcCareer@AOL.com <mailto:JanetcCareer@AOL.com< ; Jana Mil= ls <mailto:jmills@houston.rr.com< ; JAcque Middleton <mailto:jhmiddleton@ac= ademicplanet.com< ; Jackie Coleman <mailto:jazi2001@yahoo.com< ; itaveras65= @yahoo.com <mailto:itaveras65@yahoo.com< ; islander_nique@yahoo.com <mailto= :islander_nique@yahoo.com< ; Ihor Petrashko <mailto:Ihor.Petrashko@owen2001= .vanderbilt.edu< ; hmathews@houston.rr.com <mailto:hmathews@houston.rr.com<= ; Helen Haynes <mailto:hhaynes22@hotmail.com< ; Gwendolyn Gray <mailto:gbg= ray118@hotmail.com< ; Gloria Alvarez <mailto:galvarez1@houston.rr.com< ; Gl= enn Winship <mailto:winshgl@msn.com< ; Gina Calderon <mailto:ginaleiva@hotm= ail.com< ; George Waidelich <mailto:waidlori@pacbell.net< ; Frank Rishe <ma= ilto:fjrishe@AOL.com< ; Edna King <mailto:ejk2000@earthlink.net< ; Dorothy = Ricketts <mailto:Dorothy.ricketts@worldnet.att.net< ; Donna Wackerle <mailt= o:dfwacker@hotmail.com< ; Digna Showers <mailto:dignashow@yahoo.com< ; Deno= Damaskos <mailto:deno1360@yahoo.com< ; Delma Munoz <mailto:munozdelma@hotm= ail.com< ; Debbie Perrotta <mailto:DGPerrotta@AOL.com< ; Dayna Smith <mailt= o:dfayesmith@AOL.com< ; David Coolidge <mailto:dcoolidge@pdq.net< ; Daryl K= itchen <mailto:kitchen_daryl@hotmail.com< ; Clarion Lannom <mailto:CLannom@= hotmail.com< ; Cindy Lasseter <mailto:cindy@compuvision.net< ; Cindi To <ma= ilto:cindi_to@hotmail.com< ; Chris Wheeler <mailto:cwheeler@aqualine-resour= ces.com< ; Cheryl Gaines <mailto:cherylgaines@hotmail.com< ; Cheryl <mailto= :rag60@flash.net< ; Cassandra Alston <mailto:cassandra_alston@hotmail.com< = ; Carmen Perez <mailto:cperez10@houston.rr.com< ; Brenda Johnston <mailto:j= ohnston_brenda@hotmail.com< ; Brad Kohanke <mailto:brad.kohanke@gambrinusco= .com< ; Bob Hansen <mailto:hansenrw@att.net< ; Binky Davidson <mailto:binky= .davidson@enron.com< ; Bill Miller <mailto:Bill@IBEW125.com< ; Bill Gathman= n <mailto:WWDDGG@AOL.com< ; Beverly Aden <mailto:baden@charter.net< ; Becky= Jones <mailto:rebeccajjones@hotmail.com< ; Andrew Dickerson <mailto:Andrew= .Dickerson@aesmail.com< ; Allison Marchiony <mailto:alobo99@AOL.com< ; Alex= Olsen <mailto:aolsen@academicplanet.com< ; Alex Hidalgo <mailto:cambapora@= hotmail.com< ; Adam, Don <mailto:dadam@houston.rr.com< ; Suzanne Kelly <mai= lto:skelly3@houston.rr.com<=20 Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 4:34 PM Subject: Fw: Response to Enron Article by Michael Lewis, 3/3/02,Outlook Sec= tion =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Kathy Roeder <mailto:Kroeder@aflcio.org<=20 To: benedict@kingwoodcable.com <mailto:benedict@kingwoodcable.com< ; Dvegas= @kingwoodcable.com <mailto:Dvegas@kingwoodcable.com<=20 Cc: Damon Silvers <mailto:Dsilvers@aflcio.org<=20 Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 12:41 PM Subject: Fwd: Response to Enron Article by Michael Lewis, 3/3/02,Outlook Se= ction Dennis and Kathy-- I need your help getting something to as many former Enron employees as pos= sible. At the bottom of my message I copied in an opinion editorial that a= ppeared in the Washington Post on Sunday. The author makes an absurd clai= m that Enron's employees somehow got what they deserved in the company's co= llapse. =20 We need as many former Enron employees as possible to respond to the Michae= l Lewis piece and counter his bizarre argument with fact. You can email le= tters to the editor to letters@washpost.com <mailto:letters@washpost.com< = Include your name, address, and phone number. I attached the letter that M= r. Trumka sent to the Post today. =20 =20 Wait a Minute. Didn't Enron's Employees Ride That Stock Up?=20 By Michael Lewis Sunday, March 3, 2002; Page B02=20 BERKELEY, Calif. -- Not since the corporate victims of Sept. 11 rushed to C= apitol Hill to demand financial reparations have there been so many expensi= ve beggars in one place as there are now in Houston.=20 Every few days brings another story of the terrible predicament of Enron Co= rp.'s current and former employees. Often these stories reveal a new grieva= nce they harbor or lawsuit they have filed to recover money they believe is= rightfully theirs. On Feb. 21, for instance, came word that roughly 900 Old Enronians are seek= ing cash from a pair of Houston-based relief funds, and that former auditor= Arthur Andersen LLP had put together a package to compensate, among others= , former Enron employees. These relief funds now have hundreds of thousands of dollars, largely becau= se politicians looking to unburden themselves of Enron's campaign contribut= ions have come to view the bankrupt energy trader's former employees as a p= opular cause. And Andersen seems never to have asked why it should be givin= g money to former Enron employees rather than the other way around.=20 How come? Why are Enron's employees, who helped perpetrate one of the great= corporate frauds of all time, more deserving of reparations than, say, Enr= on's creditors or, to expand the field of vision, actual poor people who ne= ver worked at Enron?=20 One answer -- the answer generally assumed -- is that the blame for Enron's= collapse falls exclusively on Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, Andrew Fastow= and one or two other honchos. All lesser Enronians were, like mushrooms, k= ept in the dark. Perhaps in some cases this is even true. In most cases -- = above a very low level of employee -- it couldn't possibly be.=20 We now know, for example, that it took many hundreds of people to orchestra= te the huge number of spectacularly bad investments made by Enron over the = past decade. Many hundreds of people were at the same time very highly paid= . How could it not occur to these people that there was something odd in th= is arrangement?=20 We also know that some large number of employees answered former CEO Skilli= ng's call to create a phony trading floor, so that analysts visiting from W= all Street would have the impression that Enron was doing more business tha= n it actually was.=20 Many of these people -- to judge from their newspaper quotes -- seem to fee= l that the Potemkin village exercise is proof of corruption at the top of E= nron, and thus of their case that they were defrauded by their evil masters= . Actually, it shows that a lot of people should have known that something = was wrong all along, and that the corruption, or delusion, extended down in= to the Enron ranks.=20 We also know, from Enron vice president Sherron Watkins's now famous letter= to Lay, that Enron's corrupt partnerships were something of an open secret= within the company.=20 Indeed, everything we know so far about Enron suggests that many, many empl= oyees were, at the very least, willing accomplices to the schemes dreamed u= p by their bosses. And now they want their money back! They are like access= ories to a failed bank heist who demand restitution because the police conf= iscated their share of the take. I can think of two reasons they should be = shamed into silence.=20 The first is the example it sets. The Enron case as it is currently playing= out sends the following message to corporate employees: You aren't respons= ible for what you do. Turn a blind eye toward corporate deceit, or even par= ticipate in the deception, and, so long as you aren't one of the top bosses= , you will enjoy the moral status of the victim. It's already hard to be a whistle-blower. This incentive structure makes it= even harder. One of the striking things about Enron is that no one came fo= rward and blew the whistle on the company. (Watkins has been cast in the ro= le, but all she really did is beg her boss to orchestrate an artful coverup= so she could continue to make lots of money.) Why will the people who work= at the next Enron behave any differently? The second reason to ignore the yelps and whimpers of Old Enronians is basi= c justice. The phony accounts Enron ginned up for many years allowed it to = pay its employees as if they actually were conducting hugely profitable bus= iness. Even those who were profitably engaged were probably grossly overpai= d for their efforts. In short, they've already made out like bandits. Why g= ive them more money?=20 I know, I know: the retirement plan! Eight hundred and fifty million dollar= s in worker savings vanished!=20 Somehow the media reports suggest Enron forced its employees to keep their = savings in Enron shares. In fact there was a brief period last fall, from O= ct. 29 through Nov. 12, in which the 401(k) plan was frozen and Enron's emp= loyees were unable to sell their shares. The stock during that span fell to= $9.24 a share from $13.81, a small step in the long plunge from more than = $90 to pennies today. The only shares workers were restricted from selling = outside that window were those pumped into the plan by the company as a mat= ch for part of each employee's contribution. (Those shares couldn't be sold= until the worker turned 50.)=20 For the most part, workers held shares voluntarily and could have sold them= , and diversified their portfolios, at any time. The reason they didn't is = that they were greedy: They had seen Enron's stock rocket and decided the s= mart thing to do was bet that it would keep rocketing. It's sad for them th= at it didn't, but should the rest of us be responsible for them, any more t= han we feel responsible for people who sunk their life savings into TheStre= et.com Inc.?=20 Probably there are a few Old Enronians -- lowly clerks, some blue-collar ty= pes out in the field, the mentally incompetent -- who deserve a helping han= d. But I'll bet they aren't the ones who are now hollering for it. Michael Lewis is a columnist for Bloomberg News, where a version of this fi= rst appeared. ? 2002 The Washington Post Company