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<From: "stanley czajkowski" <sjplus5@hotmail.com< <To: BJLord2@aol.com, cahemming@hotmail.com, cardiac734@aol.com, <cardiactech@adelphia.net, cmarsh3892@aol.com, comet91000@worldnet.att.net, <cwalker@borg.com, dwestwood@erols.com, emsequalnolife@aol.com, <found@monumental.com, haasdc@borg.com, haasmb@netscape.net, <jons_stang@yahoo.com, jwalsh@medicorpihn.com, katwilliams@juno.com, <kesterl@hoffman.army.mil, kidd108@attbi.com, ladybee108@webtv.net, <Larry.Gordon@usmc-mccs.org, maniac_8@hotmail.com, okfine66@aol.com, <pd4byot@aol.com, pita651@aol.com, ralph.walters@gsa.gov, s-t-a-k@msn.com, <shedrick@erols.com, tina_leavy@msn.com, welsh@ibb.gov, Wollimat1@cs.com <Subject: Fwd: Fw: Smart Computer !!!! <Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 16:06:28 -0500 < < < < <<From: "Ron Davies" <rdavies@twcny.rr.com< <<To: "BARBARA JOHNSON" <bears4barb@hotmail.com<, "Walt Hanson" <<<dwh3@hotmail.com<, "Stanley Czajikowski" <sjplus5@hotmail.com< <<Subject: Fw: Smart Computer !!!! <<Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 16:05:06 -0500 << << << <<Subject: Smart Computer !!!! << << << < A Woman was helping her computer-illiterate husband set up his << < computer, << < < < <and << < < < <at the appropriate point in the process, told him that he would <<now << < need << < < to << < < < <choose and enter a password. Something he will use to log on. << < < < < << < < < <The husband was in a rather amorous mood and figured he would try <<for << < the << < < < <shock effect to bring this to his wife's attention. So, when the << < computer << < < < <asked him to enter his password, he made it plainly obvious to his <<wife << < < < <that << < < < <he was keying in, << < < < < << < < < < "p..e..n..i..s". << < < < < << < < < < << < < < < << < < < < << < < < < << < < < <His wife fell off her chair laughing when the computer replied: << < < < < << < < < < << < < < < << < < < <PASSWORD REJECTED. NOT LONG ENOUGH" << < < < << < < < << < < < << < < < << < < < _________________________________________________________________ << < << < < < < <_________________________________________________________________ <Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp. < _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com