Enron Mail

To:gfoust@adelphia.net, jfoust@adelphia.net, khyatt@enron.com,indyandy06@msn.com, irongator@aol.com, kwangenheim@houston.rr.com, markkiddle@aol.com, ronmichalski@msn.com, jpoxer@houston.rr.com, pdalessandro64@hotmail.com, m_b_rosen@yahoo.com, dsaucier@
Subject:Fwd: Fw: Update on Bankruptcy Hearing about the release of our
Date:Thu, 28 Feb 2002 06:53:34 -0800 (PST)

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X-To: gfoust@adelphia.net, jfoust@adelphia.net, khyatt@enron.com, indyandy06 <indyandy06@msn.com<, IronGator@aol.com, kwangenheim@houston.rr.com, Markkiddle@aol.com, Ron Michalski <RonMichalski@msn.com<, jpoxer@houston.rr.com, pdalessandro64@hotmail.com, m_b_rosen@yahoo.com, dsaucier@columbus.rr.com, Steveswerd@aol.com, wtruxillo@hotmail.com, tsundel@houston.rr.com
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I do understand the company is trying to survive which I want it to as you =
know. But the constant bad publicity and having all the ex employees jump o=
n lawsuits can't be fruitful.....seems to me it would be cheaper to pay som=
e severance. They rejected it.
This is an uphill battle as we know but at least maybe the politicians will=
do something for us and hope for some votes in fall 2002.

--------- Inline attachment follows ---------

From: <massey.r@att.net<
To: newhatley@earthlink.net
CC: lmfoust@aol.com
Date: Thursday, February 28, 2002 1:22:50 GMT

Looks like Enron tried to screw us, but the judge is looking for a solution=
on our side. Has requested that the parties meet and come up with somethi=
ng next week.
Let's see wjat happens.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Kathy Benedict <mailto:benedict@kingwoodcable.com<=20
To: Weindel, Patricia <mailto:Patricia_Weindel@mhhs.org< ; Wanda Parker <ma=
ilto:walou@mymailstation.com< ; Trish Collins <mailto:pcollins2@houston.rr.=
com< ; Tracy Williams <mailto:dwilliams17@houston.rr.com< ; Tom Riley <mail=
to:triley9999@attbi.com< ; Tim Sundel <mailto:tsundel@houston.rr.com< ; tan=
drews4@houston.rr.com <mailto:tandrews4@houston.rr.com< ; Susan Entmon <mai=
lto:sentman@smith.alumnae.net< ; Stephen Burns <mailto:stephenburns@hotmail=
.com< ; Stephanie Kimble <mailto:sk-one@lycos.com< ; Sheryl Stone <mailto:s=
kSAT7hudson@AOL.com< ; Scott Wohlander <mailto:scott_wohlander@yahoo.com< ;=
Scott Massey <mailto:massey.r@worldnet.att.net< ; Ryan Frazier <mailto:mfr=
azier@ev1.net< ; Ruth Lancaster <mailto:Karlruth@aol.com< ; Rosa Jaramillo =
<mailto:rjaramil@mail.mdanderson.org< ; Register, Andrea <mailto:Andrea_Reg=
ister@bmc.com< ; Rebekah Rushing <mailto:rushingmk@surfmk.com< ; Phyllis An=
zalone <mailto:panzalone@houston.rr.com< ; Patty McLeod <mailto:pmcleod@nis=
ource.com< ; Pam Benson <mailto:pambenson@msn.com< ; nvtj@hotmail.com <mail=
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m< ; Nicholas Jack <mailto:nvj@hotmail.com< ; Monique Shankle <mailto:mvsha=
nkle@hotmail.com< ; Mary Sullivan <mailto:msullivan@kingwoodcable.com< ; Ma=
ry Jo Johnson <mailto:mjohnson60@houston.rr.com< ; Mark Reese <mailto:reese=
mark@hotmail.com< ; Mark Meigs <mailto:mnmeigs@aol.com< ; Maggie Valles <ma=
ilto:mvalles@houston.rr.com< ; Luly Stephens <mailto:StephensLuly@yahoo.com=
< ; Luis Bravo <mailto:lohbr@yahoo.com< ; Louis Allen <mailto:louisallen42@=
hotmail.com< ; lmldjw@hotmail.com <mailto:lmldjw@hotmail.com< ; lino100@msn=
.com <mailto:lino100@msn.com< ; Krista Kisch <mailto:KKisch8709@aol.com< ; =
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n.rr.com< ; jose13580@yahoo.com <mailto:jose13580@yahoo.com< ; Johnny Ross =
<mailto:Johnny.ross@enron.com< ; Johnnie Williams <mailto:jwmse@houston.rr.=
com< ; John Carr <mailto:Runner3645@aol.com< ; John Allario <mailto:JALLARI=
O@houston.rr.com< ; Jim Kuegle <mailto:Jkuegle@quixnet.net< ; Jill Hightowe=
r <mailto:jhightower@keic.com< ; Jessie Patterson <mailto:jpatter47@hotmail=
.com< ; Jennifer Rudolph <mailto:Rudolph01@aol.com< ; Jeff Klotz <mailto:di=
ogenes@hal-pc.org< ; JanetcCareer@aol.com <mailto:JanetcCareer@aol.com< ; J=
ana Mills <mailto:jmills@houston.rr.com< ; JAcque Middleton <mailto:jhmiddl=
eton@academicplanet.com< ; Jackie Coleman <mailto:jazi2001@yahoo.com< ; ita=
veras65@yahoo.com <mailto:itaveras65@yahoo.com< ; islander_nique@yahoo.com =
<mailto:islander_nique@yahoo.com< ; Irma "Luly" Stephans <mailto:StephansLu=
ly@yahoo.com< ; Hutton, Donna <mailto:Donna.Hutton@ENRON.com< ; hmathews@ho=
uston.rr.com <mailto:hmathews@houston.rr.com< ; Helen Haynes <mailto:hhayne=
s22@hotmail.com< ; Gwendolyn Gray <mailto:gbgray118@hotmail.com< ; Gloria A=
lvarez <mailto:galvarez1@houston.rr.com< ; Gina Calderon <mailto:ginaleiva@=
hotmail.com< ; George Waidelich <mailto:waidlori@pacbell.net< ; Frank Rishe=
<mailto:fjrishe@aol.com< ; Edna King <mailto:ejk2000@earthlink.net< ; Doro=
thy Ricketts <mailto:Dorothy.ricketts@worldnet.att.net< ; Donna Wackerle <m=
ailto:dfwacker@hotmail.com< ; Digna Showers <mailto:dignashow@yahoo.com< ; =
deno1360@yahoo.com <mailto:deno1360@yahoo.com< ; Delma Munoz <mailto:munozd=
elma@hotmail.com< ; Debbie Perrotta <mailto:DGPerrotta@aol.com< ; Dayna Smi=
th <mailto:dfayesmith@aol.com< ; David Coolidge <mailto:dcoolidge@pdq.net< =
; Daryl Kitchen <mailto:kitchen_daryl@hotmail.com< ; Clarion Lannom <mailto=
:CLannom@hotmail.com< ; Cindy Lasseter <mailto:cindy@compuvision.net< ; cin=
di_to@hotmail.com <mailto:cindi_to@hotmail.com< ; Cheryl <mailto:rag60@flas=
h.net< ; Cassandra Alston <mailto:cassandra_alston@hotmail.com< ; Brenda Jo=
hnston <mailto:johnston_brenda@hotmail.com< ; Brad Kohanke <mailto:brad.koh=
anke@gambrinusco.com< ; Bob Hansen <mailto:hansenrw@att.net< ; Binky Davids=
on <mailto:binky.davidson@enron.com< ; Bill Miller <mailto:Bill@IBEW125.com=
< ; Beverly Aden <mailto:baden@charter.net< ; Andrew Dickerson <mailto:Andr=
ew.Dickerson@aesmail.com< ; Allison Marchiony <mailto:alobo99@aol.com< ; Al=
ex Olsen <mailto:aolsen@academicplanet.com< ; Alex Hidalgo <mailto:cambapor=
a@hotmail.com< ; Becky Jones <mailto:rebeccajjones@hotmail.com< ; Ms. Dan A=
yers <mailto:DAyers2678@aol.com< ; Sharon Strong <mailto:sstrong2@yahoo.com=
< ; Karl Klicker <mailto:doxology@earthlink.net< ; Bill Gathmann <mailto:WW=
DDGG@aol.com< ; Cheryl Gaines <mailto:cherylgaines@hotmail.com< ; Richard M=
iller <mailto:RKMILLER9@aol.com< ; Ihor Petrashko <mailto:Ihor.Petrashko@ow=
en2001.vanderbilt.edu< ; Rebecca Pickett <mailto:rpickett@houston.rr.com< ;=
Wendy Hiatt <mailto:whiatt@houston.rr.com< ; Carmen Perez <mailto:cperez10=
@houston.rr.com< ; Chris Wheeler <mailto:cwheeler@aqualine-resources.com< ;=
Sandy Verma <mailto:sverma1@ix.netcom.com< ; Glenn Winship <mailto:winshgl=
@msn.com< ; William Petty <mailto:howard@petty.com< ; Adam, Don <mailto:Don=
.Adam@bp.com< ; Roberto Martinez <mailto:robertomartinezjr@hotmail.com< ; s=
hilpa kadakia <mailto:shilpakadakia@hotmail.com<=20
Cc: Lowell Peterson <mailto:lpeterson@msek.com< ; Damon Silvers <mailto:DSi=
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 1:00 AM
Subject: Update on Bankruptcy Hearing about the release of our severance pa=

Please read the attached memo for an update on the hearing today, regarding=
the release of our severance pay.
Katherine Benedict