Enron Mail

Subject:Fwd: News Release
Date:Fri, 18 Jan 2002 10:18:14 -0800 (PST)

<From: "stanley czajkowski" <sjplus5@hotmail.com<
<To: BJLord2@aol.com, cahemming@hotmail.com, cardiac734@aol.com,
<cardiactech@adelphia.net, cmarsh3892@aol.com, comet91000@worldnet.att.net,
<cwalker@borg.com, dwestwood@erols.com, emsequalnolife@aol.com,
<found@monumental.com, Gary_Butt@dom.com, haasdc@borg.com,
<haasmb@netscape.net, jwalsh@medicorpihn.com, katwilliams@juno.com,
<kesterl@hoffman.army.mil, kidd108@attbi.com, ladybee108@webtv.net,
<Larry.Gordon@usmc-mccs.org, maniac_8@hotmail.com, pd4byot@aol.com,
<pita651@aol.com, ralph.walters@gsa.gov, rdavies@twcny.rr.com,
<s-t-a-k@msn.com, shedrick@erols.com, tina_leavy@msn.com, welsh@ibb.gov
<Subject: Fwd: News Release
<Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 10:38:52 -0500
<<From: OKfine66@aol.com
<<To: PAWZNMS@aol.com, haasdc@borg.com, Carolewithane2353@yahoo.com,
<<DIPSIP@aol.com, FSestito@rome-adm.moric.org, Yuma37@wctel.net (Arnie),
<< kpeas25@hotmail.com, Lalu5033@hotmail.com, dunningjm@americu.net,
<<sjplus5@juno.com, van002@adelphia.net
<<Subject: Fwd: News Release
<<Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 20:16:14 EST
<<In a message dated 1/9/02 5:15:41 PM Eastern Standard Time,
<<sonnylae@hotmail.com writes:
<< <
<< <
<< < <Subject: Fwd: News Release
<< < <
<< < <Investment alert:
<< < <Pfizer Corp. (NYSE PFE) is making the announcement
<< < <today that VIAGRA will soon be available in liquid
<< < <form and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola (Pepsi
<< < <Bottling Group NYSE PBG) as a power beverage
<< < <suitable for use as is, or as a mixer, under the name
<< < <"Mount And Do".
<< < <
<< < <Pepsi's proposed ad campaign suggests: "It will now
<< < <be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff
<< < <one."
<< <
<< <
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Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.

--------- Inline attachment follows ---------

From: <sonnylae@hotmail.com<
To: drs10@cornell.edu
CC: eade@aol.com, okfine66@aol.com, djhowell@clarityconnect.com, lgmahon@aol.com, macfish49@stny.rr.com, MURPHYcc@webtv.net, anniemla@yahoo.com, murtk@netzero.net, vet6768@aol.com
Date: Wednesday, January 9, 2002 10:15:06 GMT

<From: glenn waldron <flatfishg@yahoo.com<
<To: "sonny aaa.eade" <sonnylae@hotmail.com<, Matt aaaWaldron
<<mrw25@cornell.edu<, adonna <dg7023_14013@yahoo.com<
<Subject: Fwd: News Release
<Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 13:54:09 -0800 (PST)
<Note: forwarded message attached.
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