Enron Mail

Subject:ICE First-of-Month Natural Gas Index
Cc:sales@intcx.com, icehelpdesk@intcx.com
Bcc:sales@intcx.com, icehelpdesk@intcx.com
Date:Wed, 27 Feb 2002 13:45:39 -0800 (PST)

Six (6) additional Hubs have been added to our daily price bulletin. =
1. Carthage =
2. Katy Tailgate =
3. Columbia Mainline =
4. Peoples Gas Light & Coke (Chicago) =
5. Malin =
6. Stanfield =
Commencing March 2002, ICE will publish a first-of-month index price. The w=
eighted average price will be based solely on Firm/Fixed Price deals comple=
ted over the last five (5) business days of the prior month. The initial pr=
icing points will consist of: =
1. Chicago Citygate (Nicor) =
2. Henry Hub =
3. Keystone Pool (El Paso) =
4. Katy Tailgate =
5. Opal Tailgate =
6. PG&E Citygate =
7. Socal Border =
8. Waha Hub =
Additional hubs will be introduced as Fixed Price transactions increase. =
Please reply to this email with any questions or call a member of our Natur=
al Gas Sales Team. =
-Bud Hum- Chicago- 312-674-4915 =
-Lee Abbamonte- New York- 646-733-5000 =
-Joe Adevai- New York- 646-733-5000 =
-Frank Bellgiorno- New York- 646-733-5000 =