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Energy Insight News for Tuesday, January 15, 2002 MISO outlasts the Alliance: It's the politics, stupid The Midwest Independent System Operator a year ago was looked upon as the also-ran in the race to be the Midwest's dominant regional transmission organization, today it is the "big dog" in an area stretching from the Rockies to PJM, Canada to nearly the Gulf of Mexico. Weathering the loss of three of its largest and oldest members to its closest rival, the exit of its chief executive, and strong talk of the need to convert to a for-profit entity to keep up with the times, MISO has risen Phoenix-like to command its territory. Following a flurry of Mid-December Federal Energy Regulatory orders, the nonprofit MISO was selected as the Midwest's super-regional RTO, while its for-profit rival, the Alliance, effectively was thanked for its time, effort and the estimated $75 million spent on startup costs, and shown the door. Oh, and by the way, you (Alliance members) have 60 days to tell FERC your plans for joining an RTO, be it MISO, PJM, whatever. Why the turnaround? How did the MISO go from also-ran to the man, from a symbol of the old way of ISOs in control, to the shape perhaps of things to come? In two words: political reality. The new FERC, with Pat Wood III in charge, followed closely by Nora Mead Brownell and William Massey, have, since Wood became chairman in September, shaken up the once sedate commission. Now, according to many FERC watchers, it is "ready, fire, aim," throw a grenade or two to loosen things up and see where the pieces fall. Read the entire story at http://www.energyinsight.com. Also, catch the latest news headlines on Energy Insight Executive, updated twice daily. /////////////////////////////////////////////// Market Brief Monday, January 14 Stocks Close Change % Change DJIA 9,891.42 (96.1) -0.96% DJ 15 Util. 293.84 3.1 1.07% NASDAQ 1,990.74 (31.72) -1.57% S&P 500 1,138.40 (7.0) -0.61% Market Vols Close Change % Change AMEX (000) 136,023 9,975.0 7.91% NASDAQ (000) 1,789,205 163,454.0 10.05% NYSE (000) 1,258,917 52,578.0 4.36% Commodities Close Change % Change Crude Oil (Feb) 18.84 (0.84) -4.27% Heating Oil (Feb) 0.516 (0.023) -4.34% Nat. Gas (Henry) 2.244 0.040 1.81% Propane (Feb) 27.50 (1.50) -5.17% Palo Verde (Feb) 22.50 0.00 0.00% COB (Feb) 22.00 0.00 0.00% PJM (Feb) 25.25 0.00 0.00% Dollar US $ Close Change % Change Australia $ 1.935 0.016 0.83% Canada $ 1.60 0.000 0.00% Germany Dmark 2.19 (0.006) -0.27% Euro 0.8937 0.002 0.26% Japan ?en 131.9 (0.100) -0.08% Mexico NP 9.22 0.020 0.22% UK Pound 0.6899 (0.0009) -0.13% Foreign Indices Close Change % Change Arg MerVal 343.22 0.00 0.00% Austr All Ord. 3,350.40 (9.70) -0.29% Braz Bovespa 13121.72 (465.77) -3.43% Can TSE 300 7623.30 (78.63) -1.02% Germany DAX 5065.84 (144.13) -2.77% HK HangSeng 11209.43 42.97 0.38% Japan Nikkei 225 10441.59 0.00 0.00% Mexico IPC 6388.27 (31.88) -0.50% UK FTSE 100 5,113.50 (85.10) -1.64% Source: Yahoo!, TradingDay.com and NYMEX.com ////////////////////////////////////////////// Executive News Abraham discussed Enron troubles with Lay U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham spoke with Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay in November after reading news reports that the giant energy trader was having difficulties, a Department of Energy spokeswoman said Monday. Abraham, concerned about the company's situation, telephoned Lay on Nov. 2 in an "information gathering" exercise, the spokeswoman said. She said Abraham was attempting to determine whether Enron's troubles would harm energy markets. The phone call was brief and Lay did not ask Abraham for any assistance, she said. Lay told Abraham that Enron's situation was improving, but did not provide any details, according to the spokeswoman. FERC to rehear order on utilities' rate authority The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Monday granted a rehearing on its controversial ruling that would have revoked market-based rate authority for American Electric Power, Entergy and Southern Company. In an order issued Monday, FERC said it will hold a technical conference at a later date before issuing a final decision on the issue. The commission in November threatened to strip the three companies of their market-based rate authority because they failed to meet strict market-power standards called the Supply Margin Assessment. All three companies filed for rehearing, and the commission at its last meeting in December said it would rehear the issue as well as convene a technical conference, which has not yet been scheduled. To subscribe to our Executive News Service, which is updated twice daily, log on to http://www.energyinsight.com, or contact Platt's Direct Response Team at 1-800-424-2908 (if outside the United States call 1-720-548-5700). ///////////////////////////////////////////////