Enron Mail

Subject:Mexico Energy Reform: Striving for Consensus - Special event
Date:Mon, 4 Feb 2002 11:51:41 -0800 (PST)

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Dear CERA Members and Friends:

We would like to invite you to an extraordinary Mexico-focused event we
have decided to hold as part of CERAWeek 2002 next week in Houston,

As a follow up to the last session of our recent Mexico Retreat, in
which legislators discussed the need for and the pace of energy reform,
we will be organizing a special CERAWeek Breakfast event on Friday,
February 15, at 7:00AM entitled: "Mexico Energy Reform: Striving for
Consensus." This unique event will bring together most distinguished
Mexican legislators from the major political parties for an informed
discussion on overcoming the political hurdles to reform the Mexico
energy sector.

For details, please visit our website at:

Confirmed Participants for the breakfast event include:
* Rep. Jorge Ch?vez Presa (PRI)
* Sen.. Juan Jos? Rodr?guez Pratts (PAN)
* Rep. Mr. Sergio Benito Osorio (PRD)
* Rep. Sara Guadalupe Figueroa Ca?edo (PVEM)
* Sen. Oscar Canton Zetina (PRI)

We hope you can join us for this special Mexico breakfast. As you can
see from the full agenda at http://www.cera.com/ceraweek, the CERAWeek
program features an extraordinary group of speakers, including Marce
Fuller from Mirant, Chuck Watson from Dynegy, Anne Quinn from BP, Clark
Smith from El Paso, and many more.

CERAWeek attracts more than 1,500 participants from various key sectors
(energy, technology, financial) worldwide (Europe, Latin America, Asia,
Russia, North America), and we sincerely hope that you will be able to
join us.

To register, please complete and return the enrollment form found on
CERA's Web site at http://www.cera.com/ceraweek2002/register.

We look forward to seeing you in Houston.

Best regards,

Roberto Futuro
Associate, Latin America
+1 617-441-1344

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