Enron Mail

Subject:Platts Energy Bulletin
Date:Tue, 26 Feb 2002 07:02:25 -0800 (PST)

Platts Energy Bulletin

The daily Energy Bulletin is a showcase of the top headlines posted on
platts.com (http://www.platts.com) over the past 24 hours. To view this file in
html, open the attachment at the bottom of this email. We welcome your feedback
- send your comments to feedback@platts.com. Instructions for unsubscribing can
be found at the bottom of each issue.

February 26, 2002

What's New on platts.com?
Platts Enron Report: Read about the implications of Enron's bankruptcy on the
financial and energy communities.

US Futures Update: A weekly round-up of the US futures markets.

Quote of the Day: A selection of industry/OPEC viewpoints.


Platts Global Energy Jobs Board and Resume Bank: Created in partnership with the
Energy Jobs Network, the Jobs Board gives you access to a pool of job seekers
and open positions across the energy industry. It's free for all job seekers,
and there is a range of packages for employers posting jobs.

Futures Round-up

NYMEX: Crude to open higher, range trading expected
NYMEX April crude oil is called to open 13 cts higher at $20.61/bbl Tuesday.
April Brent is called to open 9 cts higher at $20.08/bbl. March heating oil is
called to open 54 pts higher at 53.05 cts/gal and March unleaded gasoline is
called to open 3 pts lower at 56.20 cts/gal.

IPE Brent Focus: IPE Brent crude hovers above $20/bbl early Tuesday
The April benchmark futures contract had begun open outcry business a few cents
off from Monday's close and just shy of the $20/bbl mark, but had found some
support thereafter and stood at $20.02/bbl at 1038 GMT, up 5 cts on the day.

News Round-up
Click on the headlines below or paste the URLs provided in your internet browser
to see the full story.

Bush urges 'quick action' by US Senate on energy bill
The US Senate needs to take "quick action" on energy legislation it will begin
debating this week in order to secure ample domestic supplies of energy,
President George W Bush said Monday.

Analyst: Quarterly production may slide until midyear
Raymond James & Associates said Monday it expected declines in US gas production
to accelerate during the first quarter of 2002 and continue accelerating
downward through mid-2002. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#59371)

Japan's Unitika and Shin-Etsu merge VAM, PVA units
Japan's synthetic fibers producer Unitika Ltd and PVC maker Shin-Etsu Chemical
Co plan on May 1 to merge their vinyl acetate monomer and polyvinyl alcohol
joint ventures to boost operational efficiency, the companies announced Tuesday.


Primedia Workplace Learning: Now you can deliver comprehensive, industrial
maintenance training to your technicians ? anytime, anywhere. PRIMEDIA Workplace
Learning?s Web-based maintenance training features world-renowned NUS Training?
content plus powerful records-management tools, saving you both time and money.
View our 4-minute online demo:

California PUC files to FERC to void power deals
As expected, the California Public Utilities Commission filed Monday to federal
regulators in an effort to overturn 32 long-term power contracts the state
entered into last year with 22 wholesale suppliers.

Energy bill revisions to have limited impact on nuclear industry
US Democrats plan to introduce a handful of revisions to nuclear provisions in
an amendment to S. 1766, the national energy security bill introduced by Senate
Majority Leader Thomas Daschle (Democrat-South Dakota) in December.

To see the past five day's headlines posted on platts.com
go to Platts archives (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml).

Upcoming Events:

Platts Policies and Methodology Forum, Platts will hold an open forum to discuss
its policies and methodologies on Sunday, March 17 at the Marriott Rivercenter
Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. The forum will be held in conjunction with the
annual meeting of the National Petroleum Refiners' Association. For further
details and to register go to

4th Annual ELECTRIC POWER Conference & Exhibition, "Where the Operating
Companies Meet", Over 10 co-located events, 500 exhibiting companies and 6,000+
attendees. March 19-21, 2002, America's Center, St. Louis, Missouri. Organized
by The TradeFair Group, and Sponsored by POWER Magazine and Platts.

"Grid Business: The Midwest," an Electrical World Roundtable in cooperation with
R.J. Rudden Associates and the United States Energy Association. March 20-21,
2002, in St. Louis, Missouri.

"Navigating the Perfect Storm: Charting Power Generation Success," the 17th
Annual Global Power Markets Conference. March 24-26, 2002, in New Orleans.


Platts Global Energy Buyers' Guide: The Buyers' Guide encompasses thousands of
products and services needed worldwide by companies involved in the generation
and delivery of electric power and its related services. It is a dynamic
information service, updated daily as companies enter the market, merge or
change their product/service offerings.


Global Energy Business - Top 250 Energy Companies
The first annual survey by Global Energy Business of financial performance for
leading energy companies worldwide presents year 2000 data--assets, revenues,
profits, earnings per share, and return on invested capital--for firms with
assets exceeding $2 billion. Data were supplied by Standard & Poor's, a unit of
The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, from its Compustat data base.

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of your nearest sales representative in our list of Platts offices at

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For information on how to advertise on the Platts Energy Bulletin or on
platts.com contact josie_parnell@platts.com.

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