Enron Mail

Subject:Platts Energy Bulletin
Date:Mon, 4 Mar 2002 07:49:00 -0800 (PST)

Platts Energy Bulletin

The daily Energy Bulletin is a showcase of the top headlines posted on
platts.com (http://www.platts.com) over the past 24 hours. To view this file in
html, open the attachment at the bottom of this email. We welcome your feedback
- send your comments to feedback@platts.com. Instructions for unsubscribing can
be found at the bottom of each issue.

March 4, 2002

What's New on platts.com?

Platts Enron Report: Read about the implications of Enron's bankruptcy on the
financial and energy communities.

Quote of the Day: A selection of industry/OPEC viewpoints.

(for Platts Premium Customers)
Excess turbines cause problems during economic downturn
Renegotiating contract terms between power plant developers and
turbine/equipment manufacturers appears to be the most popular way to deal with
too many turbines during the economic downturn. (http://www.einsight.com)


Platts Global Energy Jobs Board and Resume Bank: Created in partnership with the
Energy Jobs Network, the Jobs Board gives you access to a pool of job seekers
and open positions across the energy industry. It's free for all job seekers,
and there is a range of packages for employers posting jobs.

Futures Round-up

NYMEX: Crude to open lower on profit-taking
NYMEX April crude oil is called to open 15 cts lower at $22.25/bbl Monday. April
Brent is called to open 15 cts lower at $21.75/bbl. April heating oil is called
to open 27 pts lower at 58.60 cts/gal and April unleaded gasoline is called to
open 26 pts lower at 70.34 cts/gal.

IPE Brent Focus: IPE Brent crude ticks lower on profit taking
Light volume selling by locals and the trade pressured prices lower as the
benchmark April Brent contract stood at $21.70/bbl at 1045 GMT, 19 cts off from
Friday's settlement.

News Round-up
Click on the headlines below or paste the URLs provided in your internet browser
to see the full story.

OPEC "satisfied" Russia will keep cooperating: Lukman
OPEC president Rilwanu Lukman said Monday he was satisfied that Russia would
continue to cooperate with the organization in efforts to prop up world prices.

BG International to explore Mediterranean off Spain
BG International has been awarded seven exploration concessions totalling
650,000 hectares in the Mediterranean Sea off the Spanish provinces of Tarragona
and Castellon, the Spanish government said this weekend.

Japan acetic acid maker Daicel to become holding company
Japanese acetic acid maker Daicel Chemical Industries Co plans on Apr 1 to set
up a holding company to manage eight new subsidiaries that would be formed by
spinning off its various chemical divisions, the company said in a statement
Monday. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#59613)


Primedia Workplace Learning: Now you can deliver comprehensive, industrial
maintenance training to your technicians -- anytime, anywhere. PRIMEDIA
Workplace Learning's Web-based maintenance training features world-renowned NUS
Training (TM) content plus powerful records-management tools, saving you both
time and money. View our 4-minute online demo:

Philippines to finalize fuel tax plan by mid-March
Philippines' energy department will finalize by mid-March a plan to equalize
taxes between indigenous energy sources and imported fuel products, a department
official said Monday. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#59600)

Regulator "forced" Germany's Brunsbuttel nuke closure
State regulators "forced" Germany's Brunsbuttel nuclear reactor to shut Feb 18
after operator HEW refused for more than two months after the discovery of a
steam release inside the containment, regulators said.

To see the past five day's headlines posted on platts.com
go to Platts archives (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml).

Upcoming Events:

Platts Policies and Methodology Forum, Platts will hold an open forum to discuss
its policies and methodologies on Sunday, March 17 at the Marriott Rivercenter
Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. The forum will be held in conjunction with the
annual meeting of the National Petroleum Refiners' Association. For further
details and to register go to

4th Annual ELECTRIC POWER Conference & Exhibition, "Where the Operating
Companies Meet", Over 10 co-located events, 500 exhibiting companies and 6,000+
attendees. March 19-21, 2002, America's Center, St. Louis, Missouri. Organized
by The TradeFair Group, and Sponsored by POWER Magazine and Platts.

"Grid Business: The Midwest," an Electrical World Roundtable in cooperation with
R.J. Rudden Associates and the United States Energy Association. March 20-21,
2002, in St. Louis, Missouri.

"Navigating the Perfect Storm: Charting Power Generation Success," the 17th
Annual Global Power Markets Conference. March 24-26, 2002, in New Orleans.


Platts Global Energy Buyers' Guide: The Buyers' Guide encompasses thousands of
products and services needed worldwide by companies involved in the generation
and delivery of electric power and its related services. It is a dynamic
information service, updated daily as companies enter the market, merge or
change their product/service offerings.


Global Energy Business - Top 250 Energy Companies
The first annual survey by Global Energy Business of financial performance for
leading energy companies worldwide presents year 2000 data--assets, revenues,
profits, earnings per share, and return on invested capital--for firms with
assets exceeding $2 billion. Data were supplied by Standard & Poor's, a unit of
The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, from its Compustat data base.

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platts.com contact josie_parnell@platts.com.

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