Enron Mail

To:masc@dynegy.com, nmackenz@utilicorp.com, pkeeler@br-inc.com, gisb1@aol.com,richard_d_smith@email.mobil.com, ttoerner@reliant.com, healyb@epenergy.com, bruce.a.connell@usa.conoco.com, carla.j.johnson@usa.conoco.com, maroltct@er.oge.com, dkohler@br-in
Subject:Press Release
Date:Thu, 10 Jan 2002 10:29:54 -0800 (PST)

<<DCGSTS PR 01-09-02.doc<<

Attached is the press release announcing the open season of the storage and
pipeline project. Please visit the website and try to attend one of the
shipper meetings being held next week in either Houston or PHX. The meeting
schedules are:

1/16 at The Derek from 2 to 5 ( Houston -Galleria)
1/17 at The Four Seasons from 2 to 5 (Houston -Downtown)
1/18 at The Pointe South Mountain (PHX)

There will also be a meeting in San Diego on 1/15.

I look forward to seeing you at one of the meetings and discussing the
project with you.....!