Enron Mail

Subject:Grant Writing for Enron Kids
Date:Fri, 21 Dec 2001 06:16:55 -0800 (PST)

Good morning, Kevin!

My name is Mark Putnam and I am contacting you on
behalf of our company, EULAN Corporation.

I read the Houston Chronicle article on Enron Kids
yesterday and I must say I was very impressed. EULAN
is a business analysis and documentation firm who
worked for Enron for over a year. I myself spent a
year on site working with some of Enron's people--all
bright and motivated people--and I have been greatly
disturbed by the recent events that are transpiring.
All of the folks that I had the chance to work with
are good people, and I hate to see anything affect
them negatively, especially during the holidays.

I wanted to let you know about a particular service
that EULAN offers to non-profit organizations. Grant
writing is a service that often times NPOs do not have
the time or expertise to look into. EULAN's grant
writers offer experience, knowledge, and the time that
Enron Kids' personnel may not have. I know that the
program's future is in question, and would like to
discuss how we can help.

I'm sure you're quite busy with the holiday's right
now, but feel free to reply to this email address or
give me a call at 713-962-0907. I would be happy to
discuss the possibilities available to you or maybe
set a meeting for after the holidays.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Mark Putnam
EULAN Corporation

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