Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Electric Pwr Conf - Natural Gas Infrastructure Committee
Date:Sat, 27 Oct 2001 06:57:49 -0700 (PDT)

HI Kevin. I have sent out a few messages to some people I know asking who
they think would make a good speaker on the supply issues that you were
inquiring about. I was hoping to get an answer by know but I have not had a
chance to follow up on my request. I will sent them a reminder email this
weekend and hope to get to you early next week.

Call me if you have any questions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Hyatt, Kevin [mailto:Kevin.Hyatt@enron.com]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 6:05 PM
To: david_k_smith@reliantenergy.com; djnightingale@duke-energy.com;
dpemberton@theridgegroup.com; dsweet@ipaa.org;
dwiese@pearlstreetinc.com; Hyatt, Kevin; jpollock@consultbai.com;
Alvarado, Orlando; pagelsl@epenergy.com; paulw.miles@exeloncorp.com;
Cc: carries@tradefairgroup.com
Subject: Electric Pwr Conf - Natural Gas Infrastructure Committee
Importance: High

Hi everyone!!

For those of you I haven't met personnally, my name is Kevin
Hyatt. I am currently chairing the Natural Gas Infrastructure
subcommittee for the Electric Power Conference 2002 to be held in March.
You are receiving this email because you have previously expressed an
interest in serving on the committee.

Attached below is the current subcommittee track agenda with the 4
sessions and each session's speaking topics. The track and topics were
developed over the last 3 months with various inputs from committee
members and the Trade Fair Group staff.

Our current challenge is finding speakers for items 1, 6, and 15
(highlighted in red). If you move your cursor over the topic, the
comment box will appear outlining in a little better detail what info we
are trying to present for the conference attendees.

I am working on lining up several speakers but as of yet have only
confirmed one from Calpine. What I need each of you to do is review the
agenda, think about who you may know who would be a good speaker for the
topic, then call them to see if they are interested. Speeches should
last no more than 30 minutes with a Q&A period afterward.

If possible, please email or call me with your results by Friday 10/26.
Interested speakers will receive a formal invitation from the Trade Fair
Group confirming their attendance.

Thanks for your help. Don't hesitate to call me (713-853-5559) or
Carrie Shapiro (713-463-9595 x307) with any questions!!

<<EP2002 NGI.xls<<

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