Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Your help is greatly appreciated in getting the word out
Date:Tue, 22 Jan 2002 11:42:05 -0800 (PST)

Tony, call Rebekah at the number below.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rebekah Rushing [mailto:rushingmk@surfmk.com]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:34 AM
To: Hyatt, Kevin
Subject: Fw: Your help is greatly appreciated in getting the word out

It was good to talk with you this morning. As mentioned to you yesterday, =
following is some information on a project that I've been working on. I'd =
appreciate your assitance in getting the word out regarding this project. =

As you are aware, there are many families that have been affected by the re=
cent layoffs at Enron. I along with two other ex-employees (Karen Cutler a=
nd Sue Nix) have been working on a project which will provide assistance to=
ex-employees of Enron. We wanted to do something to help our fellow employ=
ees and also provide a tool that others could use to provide assistance to =
ex-Enron employees. Just think, if 100 people donated $50 each that would=
be $5000 that we could give to ex-employees for assistance as needed for b=
asic necessities (such as money for food, to pay their rent/mortgage, or ut=
ilites). I know the ex-employees would really appreciate this assistance. =
I've already started getting e-mails at eerfarequest@surfmk.com <mailto:ee=
rfarequest@surfmk.com< requesting assistance. We've set up guidelines on h=
ow we'll be distributing the funds. This week, we've been working with an a=
ttorney and a local bank. An account has been set up where people can make =
contributions. All the money will be given back to ex-Enron employees that =
need assistance with basic necessities, such as money for food, rent/mortga=
ge payments, and utilities. We've contacted the local media with the inform=
ation so that the community can be made aware of what we're doing. Our abil=
ity to provide assistance will be based on the response we receive. As you=
can see, we're using our values from Enron to help others, and would appre=
ciate your assistance with communicating this information to the current En=
ron employees. =20

Please send this information in a general announcement to the current Enron=
employees so they can be aware of a way to help their fellow ex-employees.=
If you need to speak with me or have any questions, I can be reached at 2=
81-812-2466. =20

Contributions can be made to:=20

Humble Community Bank=20
1515 FM 1960 Bypass East=20
Humble, Texas 77338=20
Account name: E.E.R.F.A. (stands for Enron Ex-Employee Relief Fund Account)=

Assistance requests for basic needs from ex-employees of Enron can be sent =
e-mail: eerfarequest@surfmk.com <mailto:eerfarequest@surfmk.com<=20
fax: 281-812-2543

Thank you in advance for assisting with getting this information out. I ho=
pe that you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Rebekah Rushing